Traders joking, the beginning - page 612


Dreams :

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Scientists are saying that an asteroid over a mile wide is going to pass by Earth on Christmas Eve, but they say it PROBABLY won't hit the Earth. Then the scientists were like, “Anyway, happy holidays, everyone!”
Last night was the fifth Republican debate, and at one point Donald Trump was interrupted by a heckler yelling at him from offstage. Then the moderators said, "You'll have more than enough time to speak at your next debate, Hillary."


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Christmas is that magical time of the year when we're forced to spend money we don't want to spend to travel to places we don't want to go to see the people we really don't want to see.


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Here’s some good news for parents. A new survey just came out that says teens in the U.S. are now less likely to drink, smoke or use drugs. Though it's important to consider the study's margin of error: the fact that no teen is going to tell you they're drinking, smoking or doing drugs.


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Warren Buffett yesterday joined Hillary Clinton at a rally and tried to drum up support for a tax increase on people making over $1 million a year. Chris Christie also showed up and reportedly said “ohhhh, Buffett…"