Traders joking, the beginning - page 468

President Obama and his family are spending the holidays in Hawaii, and while they're gone, they got a fence jumper to house sit. Tomorrow, he will be in Hawaii playing golf with Raul Castro and the Pope.


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It is rumored that Kanye West spent $74,000 on Christmas presents for his little baby daughter, North. Then North said, "Somebody get a picture of his face when I just play with the boxes."


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What do the female reindeer do when Santa takes the male reindeer out on Christmas Eve? They go into town and blow a few bucks.



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Be very careful if you're out shopping because of the sidewalk vendors. They're selling inexpensive items — counterfeit watches, counterfeit handbags, actual Knicks tickets.


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The hackers who hacked into Sony have leaked the upcoming script for the new James Bond movie. Some of the executives said the news left them shaken but not stirred.