Traders joking, the beginning - page 399



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A British man is being fined 150 pounds for stealing a box of diapers. The man was able to steal the diapers because they were being guarded by a Brazilian goalie.
The Republican National Convention is going to be held in 2016 in Cleveland. They outbid New York City. Cleveland beat New York City. And I'm thinking to myself: Wait a minute, this is not right. Hookers and bribes don't work anymore? What is the problem?


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According to a new study, the largest producer of oil is now the United States. So you know what that means — any day now US will be invading US.

According to a new report from BP, the earth will run out of oil in 53 years. Luckily, thanks to BP, the ocean will still have plenty.



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Justin Bieber will be charged with one count of misdemeanor vandalism for throwing eggs at his neighbor's home in January. Or as he calls that, “street cred.”