Traders joking, the beginning - page 274


There’s a lot of talk about how global warming will be a disaster for future generations. When you think about it, it's hard to care. What have these future generations ever done for us?


In San Francisco, Apple unveiled its new products. Apple said, "This iPad is the fastest and most vivid way to not be able to log on to the Obamacare website."



A data center critical for allowing uninsured Americans to buy health coverage under President Barack Obama's healthcare law went down on Sunday, the U.S. government said, in the latest problem for the "Obamacare" rollout.

Data center glitch is latest problem in 'Obamacare' rollout | Reuters




With all the trouble with the Obamacare website, 12 percent of Americans actually think it's going well. Then people waiting for healthcare said, 'Can you share some of the drugs you're on with the rest of us?'




They’re still having a lot of trouble with Obamacare. First the website had all these glitches, and now people are getting a busy signal when they try to apply over the phone. So you can't use the Internet and you can’t use the phone. And now fax machines are like, "Look who's come crawling back to Mr. Fax Machine."