ElliotWaves - page 6


What's this indicator?

Hi, I found this interesting indicator. It looks like EW to me.

Any idea what's it?

Appreciate your effort.



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sb_zup_v2.mq4  40 kb


Lets have a closer look of usdjpy .. I was expecting an impulsive move it didn't happend yet i think i need to define now some criteria of exit because an impulsive move should be impulsive and move faster it been already 2 days eith it is not impulsive and just taking it's time for finishing correction or it is impulsive but will 5th wave will become an extension later..

but for now i have a trend reversal level meaning [Red light..]

On the chart i wrote ( Movement is not good what i mean is that it's too slow but i am waiting .. )..

usdjpy_4.jpg  94 kb

What about this ones ?

Thank you for shearing.

I am new about this --> this is an exercice. Feel free to correct. Thank you

My findings for today GBP USD -- 15 min tf

2006_07_25.gif  30 kb
Thank you for shearing.

I am new about this --> this is an exercice. Feel free to correct. Thank you

My findings for today GBP USD -- 15 min tf

Daytr, one of the things i have learned about trading elliot waves and pattern is not to force a count or pattern. here is what i mean, after looking at a chart if i can't see something obviously right away, i move on to another chart. There may be a correct way to count your chart that you posted, but for me i dont see anything obvious, so i would move on. Attached is to me a pretty straightforward count. All i can do is try the trade if it works it works, if it doesnt it doesnt. Just my 2 cents. As always, proper position sizing and stops always save my a@#. Hope this helps.



Yen..... 117.22

Everything was good and is going by planned !!! but wait

Placed stop at 116.85 -- and so you ask why???

Although i am prepared this wave will go hit 118.40 but there is more to it..

please see the chart below .....

I am not saying this will happen or not all i am saying it's there and cannot be ruled 0.786 is an important resistance and we have 2 ways market now..

Be back after a while

usdjpy_5.jpg  147 kb

Yen .. 116.89

First i was stopped out.


So now we have 2 bais from last charts one showing a 5th wave up and one showing (C) wave down .. What should i do now? my self i'll go step by step that is i know the recent move was fast so there is a chance it was impulsive and this is retracement ... So while the 50% retracement holds i would like to long again with the break of the trendline u see i want stay in the present wat just happened very recently that is yesterday so this is the current plan i also know this might just go down down down for that i need another view i mean atleast i should keep long bais untill it shows or proves from price movement the last up movement was a correction.

chart below..

usdjpy_6.jpg  119 kb

Channeling....... USDJPY

So i have created 2-3 charts to help me out what i will do how about ew channels to catch 3rd wave breakouts..


usdjpy_7.jpg  78 kb

Channeling....... USDJPY

So i have created 2-3 charts to help me out what i will do how about ew channels to catch 3rd wave breakouts..

4hr chart


usdjpy_7.jpg  78 kb

Advanced Get(OSC)

Advanced Get的OSC震荡指标MT源码


//| OSC.mq4 |

//| Copyright ?2006,

//| http://www.cranesing.com |


#property copyright "Copyright ?2006."

#property link "http://www.cranesing.com"

#property indicator_separate_window

#property indicator_buffers 3

#property indicator_color1 White

#property indicator_color2 Red

#property indicator_color3 Red

//---- buffers

double ExtMapBuffer1[];

double ExtMapBuffer2[];

double ExtMapBuffer3[];

double ExtMapBuffer4[];

double ExtMapBuffer5[];


//| Custom indicator initialization function |


int init()



//---- 3 additional buffers are used for counting.

SetIndexBuffer(3, ExtMapBuffer4);

SetIndexBuffer(4, ExtMapBuffer5);

//---- indicators











//| Custom indicator deinitialization function |


int deinit()







//| Custom indicator iteration function |


int start()


int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();



int limit;

//---- check for possible errors

if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);

//---- last counted bar will be recounted

if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;



for(int i=0; i<limit; i++)


for(i=0; i<limit; i++)


for(i=0; i<limit; i++)


double pr=2.0/(38+1);

int pos=Bars-2;

if (counted_bars>2) pos=Bars-counted_bars-1;




{ ExtMapBuffer2[pos+1]=ExtMapBuffer1[pos+1];



if (ExtMapBuffer1[pos]>=0)


















first i shorted yen.. i know i didn't post but i think the chart was clear now i am going to post on the charts its better it's easier and ofcourse these are not recommendations just my own trading expierence..

moving on... GBPUSD Chart shows for today if there is 4hr close below the trigger line i will short the market and put sl on the 5 high also shows target

gbp_4.jpg  123 kb