ElliotWaves - page 11

Moved stop to 114.90

Stopped Out at 114.90 this been a real bad 4th wave so far ... my next plan for now is nothing unless i have some new setup.... might not even participate for NFP..

be back later.


4th Done will watch from monday

Well i feel awfull today ... i planned not to trade but ofcourse did my homework for trying to get the 5th wave reversal ( minimum wave c was done above wae (a) as i wrote previously).. price is now 114.26 went till 114.15-13 ( made a new low ) so 4th was conformed there ... monday start a new trading

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Chart attached for visual formation .. The markings which i did for 123 could also just be abc correction ... what is important right now is the top of A..

P.S: Pls note i try to do dynamic wave counts i try to put my self to always catching 3rd wave or wave c as you can see right now i am position to take this wave c for possible 4th wave which might just be 1st wave of a new trend i wouldn't know this untill price gives me clues.

chart attached..

Before i start posting there is One important thing...

As you might know the reason of this thread is to learn about elliotwaves post charts and trade as such there is one important ingrident missed that is after a trade ( either a loss or win ) mentioning what kind of EW pattern made the move i think that way things will stay in mind and at re-occurance one could re-create or remember the pattern or expectation..

I re attach the pic... this one is after the NFP ( i was calling it 4th wave and this time it went good.. who knows what will happen next time i give call ) Important thing is what kind of 4th wave it was ? Although i have posted the pic alot of times but the description from the text is that it occured as a FLAT Last description on the pic is the best that is wave C will not go far beyond the high of wave A if you remeber i was also ( actually i didn't know about this that time ) speaking about atleast it should go above the wave A top..

My plan is to include these kind of descriptions after the trade so we all can learn from future moves ... i am keep learning and always be learning



if you look at the chart we are doing Wave (2) ... this wave(2) is still unfolding as such there is no setup for me yet the 50% Retracement is at 113.44 where the wave of larger degree also ended.. the same chart was posted some post back where i warned for potential upcomming (c) ... some books , softwares talk about 0.618 retracement and some talkabout 0.786 retracement we have not reached any of these but we have touched the 0.382 retracement and very close to 0.5% RET...

This wave is not finished yet even if the wave (3) will start it has to do another (1) and (2) of small degree where i will be interested to buy usdjpy untill then all trend is down for now..

update later..


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Major wave USDJPY

The interesting thing on this chart is the wave (2) of higher degree in Red say [Grand SuperCycle ] and we have finished the 1st wave of the already started 3rd Wave!!!! and now retracing .... for now one thing is clear in my mind that is this wave will go up why? beause we have already done the 1st of [Grand Wave 3].... ( if you are having headache reading this imagine my position .. i am having nightmares absorbing all this information ) so there is a good chance we will go to make wave 3 of lesser degree say [superCycle] [1&2 and 3 in future] in blue ..

Charts Attached..

The interesting thing on this chart is the wave (2) of higher degree in Red say [Grand SuperCycle ] and we have finished the 1st wave of the already started 3rd Wave!!!! and now retracing .... for now one thing is clear in my mind that is this wave will go up why? beause we have already done the 1st of [Grand Wave 3].... ( if you are having headache reading this imagine my position .. i am having nightmares absorbing all this information ) so there is a good chance we will go to make wave 3 of lesser degree say [superCycle] [1&2 and 3 in future] in blue .. Charts Attached..

went 1 lot long at 114.58 stop at 113.98 expecting 1st wave of new trend unfolding .. if we break 113.98-80 chance of reaching 50% Retracement


target for wave1

This is how i see the wave 1 unfolding targetting around 115.95-116.00

i brought my sl to 114.39 ( i might get in from better price if market comes down to take my sl) will take profit at 115.90

Chart attached..

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Stop now moved to 114.80... on 30 minute TF we have done a 5wave impulsive movement so there is a chance of downside movement ..

(sorry no charts current)


Chart 30 TF

Ok i attached the 30 Min Chart ... Ignore the ABC count that is my emergency counts ( let me explain ).. you see i marked these waves because they were the most visible and was provided by how yen traded till now i should also not forget that all the counts i did was provided to me from past market action which could change anytime --- actually this is what i like about EW there is no limit at how much scenerios one could create from these waves .. it all depends on how you look at the market some people then name this theory as subjective because it is subject to one's perception .. anyways the abc is not important just the contengency plan for me since i posted the chart i had to explain about the count as well.

sl at 114.80


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Ok i attached the 30 Min Chart ... Ignore the ABC count that is my emergency counts ( let me explain ).. you see i marked these waves because they were the most visible and was provided by how yen traded till now i should also not forget that all the counts i did was provided to me from past market action which could change anytime --- actually this is what i like about EW there is no limit at how much scenerios one could create from these waves .. it all depends on how you look at the market some people then name this theory as subjective because it is subject to one's perception .. anyways the abc is not important just the contengency plan for me since i posted the chart i had to explain about the count as well.

sl at 114.80


sl moved 114.90 i have removed the 115.90 TP . i will trail this position as much as i can