Reversal Trading System - page 36


You can find Gold charts on the neuimex mt4 platform, you can find Gold and Silver on the northfinance mt4 platform, just go to their sites and sign up for a demo of their mt4.

How can I show that gold chart on MT4?

Paltalk room?

Is the Paltalk room still up? I checked for rooms there ... kaveh48

nothing showing in the seach??

Is the Paltalk room still up? I checked for rooms there ... kaveh48 nothing showing in the seach??


Now I am in chatroom.



Indicators not working.

Why all of the indicators except the Stop Reversal doesn't work? They appear as black spaces with no graphics or text. Can anyone help me?


chat 3 july 06

Chat 3 july 06

Files:  6 kb

Stopreversal indicator

You have to change the setting from.0004 tpo .0001.

It is a arrrow on the chart.

Why all of the indicators except the Stop Reversal doesn't work? They appear as black spaces with no graphics or text. Can anyone help me?
You have to change the setting from.0004 tpo .0001. It is a arrrow on the chart.

Thanks that is a lot better


hi, kaveh, it's me again

i've gone to the chat room several times, and asked if anyone was there, no one responded, and i logged out after 5 minutes, am i supposed to im you? if so, what's your username???, (i posted earlier about reversing a trade on a trailing stop)

i've gone to the chat room several times, and asked if anyone was there, no one responded, and i logged out after 5 minutes, am i supposed to im you? if so, what's your username???, (i posted earlier about reversing a trade on a trailing stop)


Yesterday i had big problem on my net server and log out from chatroom

manytimes .



so does that mean that normally you could have responded, or do i need to personally im you?