What Really Works From One Professional - page 98


Thanks A lot

Thanks a lot for your trading ideas and input JD --- You have pointed new directions where i can expand my training as a trader.

I am pretty pissed about the idiots here that bicker and quarrel for stupidities. Im sure as hell would have wanted more input form JD on trades - I am going to have to be content with whats here. Most of these idiots live in a dreamworld and want everything served on a plate. Just turn on the EA and let the money roll in! Bunch of stupid fucks. Whatever happen to THINKING before Taking a trade

Again JD, thanks for sharing your experience.


Thanks to JD

Just a simple thanks to JD from Russian beginner trader. I cant say i understand all of things he gave to me, but im trying my best. Forex is not simple thing - just like our life. But if we working hard, i believe one day we could understand how simple it is...

Good luck

Well its good to see we have gone out on a high note with the thread. LOL.

It's for that very reason that i stopped posting in the first place, having to do this.

Rebel, i was sent the EA and asked if it could be improved, i posted so everyone would get the benefit. I have told them what needs to be done, do you think they have done it? I still do not believe in them to trade 100% automated.

Good luck to everyone, want some good trading advice..Stay off forums, because the 90% of traders that dont make it are on here.....


What EA are youu talking about?




been a while guys...got let out of the hospital finally i think its been like 2months almost, i really dont know how long ..question now i cant get into Echat cause i forgot the damn password i needed to get a hold of someone in there, if anyone can help just pm me


been a while guys...got let out of the hospital finally i think its been like 2months almost, i really dont know how long ..question now i cant get into Echat JD room cause i forgot the damn password i needed to get a hold of someone in there, if anyone can help just pm me


What EA are youu talking about?



muultilot scalper?


The "V" --

Johnny Denver ,, i dont know if you are still answering this thread but yesterday we had a "V" from my Perception .. man you have given us a nice feature to deduce the new dimensional thinking in trading.

see the major divergence on the stoch i personally dont use any moving averages so there is nothing on the chart .



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Hi jonnydenver69,

I red and rered your interesting posts. I know that you use Elliott waves.Here my question. Is it necessary to know everything about his theory?What do I need to know to trade successfully.Can you suggest me some material like tutorial or similars?


p.s.I love cars too. Vanquish,ferrari360 modena,bentley continental gt........wow



Why did people stop posting to this thread?

Anyway, I'll start posting some of my charts and maybe we can get a discussion going. You can see where I considered this to be the first V of the day. I got my entry off of the 5 min chart @ 1.8980. When it hit 1.8964 (I believe it was another fib level before the float indicator changed), I set my stop to B/E and later got stopped out.

Price did not follow through in the direction of the V. It reversed at 1.8955 and continued in the opposite direction of the inital V for the rest of the day, unless I misidentified it. For those still using this method, where would you have entered/reentered/exited? There isn't much talk about exits in this thread.

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I agree. Why did you all stop posting? I've read all 99 pages and I can see that you all do post some constructive comments here. Let the JD method live on guys!

I've been reading everything over and over again but I still don't get it when JD says that the float is important. It keeps repainting the past and I just can't see the use of it. Anyone can clarify this?