What Really Works From One Professional - page 81


other software

JD I,m sorry to hear about your loss , know what its like .

Can someone tell me if its possible to to this method with only MT4 or do I have to get the other software like elwave or the other one mentioned

thaks a lot

JD I,m sorry to hear about your loss , know what its like .

Can someone tell me if its possible to to this method with only MT4 or do I have to get the other software like elwave or the other one mentioned

thaks a lot

I guess you could do it with any platform/software you want. Whats most important is that JD brought to everyones attention about what happens or what usually happens with the open of the euro/london market in the mornings. He provided the "triggerpage" as a means to trade this using his own method, what or how you trade it wouldnt matter, do whatever you feel best with to trade the "V"


I guess you could do it with any platform/software you want. Whats most important is that JD brought to everyones attention about what happens or what usually happens with the open of the euro/london market in the mornings. He provided the "triggerpage" as a means to trade this using his own method, what or how you trade it wouldnt matter, do whatever you feel best with to trade the "V" [/QUOTE

its the structure of the market thats important..everyone will percieve differently.. time makes all the difference, the phsycology of the investing that dictates past price action into future price action..


Sorry for being a bit late, but my condolences to you both JD and Jimmylad.

My mother is the last living member of my familiy and she has just been in the hospital for a week a few days ago.

She and I had taken care of my grandmother some years back for over three years of failing health and I think I can understand the emotional, physical and psychological toll this can take on anyone close and affected by something of the like.

Sorry if it all sounds a bit tangled up, it's never easy to speak of these things and with english not being my native language it's harder still.

I can but salute you for still bearing with us even though so many here have gone to great lengths to try and discredit (for no valid reason whatsoever) and discourage you. Just goes to show what you are really made of when even after taking all that flak you still come back and help us out. What can I say, I am ever so grateful.

Take care and keep your head up.


Thx you JD for that post And thx for the chart/pic attached.


JD, thank you very much for your continious support and assistance!

I noticed that you have changed the Trigger Page. Looks like uoi ellimitated majority of EMAs and replaced them with BB. Also MM is gone and now you have pivots. Is that correct?

JD, thank you very much for your continious support and assistance! I noticed that you have changed the Trigger Page. Looks like uoi ellimitated majority of EMAs and replaced them with BB. Also MM is gone and now you have pivots. Is that correct?

Yes, dont need MM,too many lines, i had always left them on there so people could use them if they want, they are good.....I have left the most important EMA's, 21 for short term, 60, although some use 50 or 55, not much in it...and 200......the pivots i,ve always had, maybe not on a 15 min but on a 5 TF...these are minor support and resistance areas.............


First 3 moves of the day, if i have time tomorrow i will post direction before open....

piggy_bank..gif  46 kb
First 3 moves of the day, if i have time tomorrow i will post direction before open....

Jimmylad and JD, I am very sorry for your losses. Not much I can say except that I feel your pain.

Thank you very much JD for staying active with your thread. I know many of us, "silent partners", bvery much appreciate your your work and and support.

JD, I have been reviewing your chrts and most of the time you have ideal entries and exits and that what I would love to learn in the future as well.

In the earlier post you had that your dynamic price and time analysis come from the trigger page and not from MTP and Elwave (read that post below). That confused me a lot. I know that both MTP and Elwave have these features but not aware what in MT4 can enable do extensive clustering and dinamic time analysis.

Thank you very much again!

Hi, Its Elwave stand alone, you can link up a realtime feed through DDE in metarader 3 or 4....I use MTpredictor RT for corrections, abc Type1 and 2..you can also link to MT for feed. I'am not an elliottition, but the on undeniable thing is, the market moves in waves, its the physcological makeup. Where better to place a trade, where one ends and another one starts.. but thats the half of it, the key is my trigger page, the one thing that gets me in and gets me out, with i might say the accuracy that nets me 10k an a month......in involves dynamic time and price indicator where they both come together to signal shift of the swing in direction.....and thats it.....
First 3 moves of the day, if i have time tomorrow i will post direction before open....

Thank you for posting these... Us novices can learn a lot from your posts, even though the material can be tough at times .

Have a question about the Float indicator in the chart you posted. I'm using your original triggerpage.tpl and Float.mq4. On the 15min chart, my float turnover was at 16:30 (your time), while you had it around 13:15. Could it be because of different broker data?

Also, could you give us a few more hints on how to interpret it? What is used as the 'float' (with stocks it's the total number available for trading) in the currency market?

Thanks again for all your contibutions.