What Really Works From One Professional - page 37


For those of you who installed the paltalk software. You might need this:

////just a minute....I'm looking for a better webpage

My advice is not install the stupid spyhunter program since that is more garbage that I don't need. Just follow the advice and remove those programs.

Ok. Here you go:


I'm using spybot. Anyone know of a better free spyware removal besides Spybot or Adaware? Adaware never catches any spyware on my machine anymore.


what works...

I agree about the "juice" comment. LOL. I was just looking at some of the Elwave competitors. Anyway, why is Elwave better? And Johnny, can you tell us how accurate Elwave is? On Friday, I was watching it a little. I've only used Elwave for a day but it got two out of 3 from what I saw. It said it was 85 % into wave 3 on USDCHF and sure enough it continued upward . Also, it stated a target of about 1.8212 for a target on one of the analysis and I watched over the next hour as it rose to 1.8212 and over. It said that a good target now for USDCHF is 1.2545 and that wasn't reached because the market closed on friday but I'm excited to see if that target is reached on Sunday. It will be a new market so maybe a new analysis will need to be done.

Hi, if you,ve read this thread that will answer your question...


I've read the whole thread. Anyway, Advanced Get is like $4000 . lol, who is going to pay that much for it.

What are the obvious reasons?

I think I'm going to use this: http://www.trendmicro.com/hc_intro/default.asp

to remove the spyware off my machine. It's free.


I agree about the "juice" comment. LOL.

I was just looking at some of the Elwave competitors. Anyway, why is Elwave better? And Johnny, can you tell us how accurate Elwave is? On Friday, I was watching it a little. I've only used Elwave for a day but it got two out of 3 from what I saw. It said it was 85 % into wave 3 on USDCHF and sure enough it continued upward . Also, it stated a target of about 1.8212 for a target on one of the analysis and I watched over the next hour as it rose to 1.8212 and over. It said that a good target now for USDCHF is 1.2545 and that wasn't reached because the market closed on friday but I'm excited to see if that target is reached on Sunday. It will be a new market so maybe a new analysis will need to be done.[/QUOTE

When it comes to competitors, there are'nt any..Accuracy i suppose is ones perception of things, and as we all know from one of the brainstorm days we had, we all will see things differently. When i started i saw things diffrently to as i see them now. It takes time to find strategy and then put into motion what you see and not what you think you will see, but when you do see it only then will the picture be complete....



those who i had in my pals list on pal talk, you now have the details in the PM's i have sent you...We have opened this on echat for a number of reasons, see you there..


There should be an IQ test before letting people open FX accounts,Forums&buy PCs

Hi again...

first off, please try to keep the focus on the topic at hand, which is, even if not the original poster, currently the JD/Elwave trading style.

To be honest, I'm appalled at how quickly an obvious freeloader/me-too mentality is springing forth from all these people who haven't even given it the smallest time of day to begin with, haven't even read up nor invested time or effort, but start crying out "I wanna mirror your trades / please post all your info, software, manuals" etc pp.

Not only is that sort of request asking for trouble since all this stuff is copyrighted and most probably sharply prosecuted, but it's also highly annoying to see that 90% of all people just want to "copy" off of JD without actually having to do ANY work of their own in order to get to where he is now after over 16 years of hard work.

I really don't feel freeloaders and leeches should deserve any other treatment than being shunned.

Now, as for Paltalk being spyware ridden etc, if you had only opened your eyes during installation it CLEARLY ASKS whether or not you want to install 2 silly adware items by showing a page with 2 checkboxes which you can just UNCHECK before installing and not have anything installed of the kind. If you of course are just a buttonclicker I assume you skipped that part and went with whatever was defaulted to being on/checked. Serves you right then. Also you could just uninstall the program and be done with it, i doubt the components remain seperately. And even if so, see the point above, your fault for installing them alongside in the first place.

Lavasofts AdAware is a good piece of Spyware removal, too, but keep in mind that some of these programs can be overeager.

Cheers again JD for giving us your time of day and putting a lot of effort into sharing your experience with the beginners

Oh and another note: how can you see someone make 15k a day and then go on to question why he uses the software that he does? Quite obviously it's been working perfectly so the question in itself is most silly to ask.

Some people seem to just type before thinking, please focus.


give that man a cigar..

Hi again...

first off, please try to keep the focus on the topic at hand, which is, even if not the original poster, currently the JD/Elwave trading style.

To be honest, I'm appalled at how quickly an obvious freeloader/me-too mentality is springing forth from all these people who haven't even given it the smallest time of day to begin with, haven't even read up nor invested time or effort, but start crying out "I wanna mirror your trades / please post all your info, software, manuals" etc pp.

Not only is that sort of request asking for trouble since all this stuff is copyrighted and most probably sharply prosecuted, but it's also highly annoying to see that 90% of all people just want to "copy" off of JD without actually having to do ANY work of their own in order to get to where he is now after over 16 years of hard work.

I really don't feel freeloaders and leeches should deserve any other treatment than being shunned.

Now, as for Paltalk being spyware ridden etc, if you had only opened your eyes during installation it CLEARLY ASKS whether or not you want to install 2 silly adware items by showing a page with 2 checkboxes which you can just UNCHECK before installing and not have anything installed of the kind. If you of course are just a buttonclicker I assume you skipped that part and went with whatever was defaulted to being on/checked. Serves you right then. Also you could just uninstall the program and be done with it, i doubt the components remain seperately. And even if so, see the point above, your fault for installing them alongside in the first place.

Lavasofts AdAware is a good piece of Spyware removal, too, but keep in mind that some of these programs can be overeager.

Cheers again JD for giving us your time of day and putting a lot of effort into sharing your experience with the beginners

Oh and another note: how can you see someone make 15k a day and then go on to question why he uses the software that he does? Quite obviously it's been working perfectly so the question in itself is most silly to ask.

Some people seem to just type before thinking, please focus.

Well said. Thats the main reason we have ste up a new chat room so we can monitor who is in and who is out, and will be most beneficial to those who have put the time and effort in, rather than the free loaders who just want signals and also the endless stream of spammers who have nothing better to do. Also there will be no more charts posted on here that will be done via echat. There are already some who have really put some hard work in and their efforts will be paid off in the long run when we will have sessions on some market tips and tricks and some trader secrets that not alot of people will know. Finally i have never had any problems with the paltalk software so can't comment on the spyware that is supposed to be in it... See you on Monday.........



You got 2 posts and this is what you say. If you were in any way referring to me, I was merely trying to help people with their obvious spyware problems. And making people aware of a program called Advanced Get. I had never heard of it. Many on here including myself had never heard of Elwave before this thread. If there was a super program that was available somewhere, I would sure be glad someone made me aware of it. And I PM'd johnny and thanked him a few days ago for making everyone aware of Elwave and the "v" pattern he has found. Knowledge is what we are after.


Hi, I am trying to compile the Phat_ZigZag indicator, but it has an error in it. can someone post the update version. thanks in advance. Thanks Jimmy for the doc and Lenny for the manual. especially JD for posting the syst.