What Really Works From One Professional - page 13


- it's optimized.

- can be checked on history.(from param)

-the "vert float predictions",visible after zero bar


Could you explain what "visible after zero bar"?

JD, After trading the market for a few years I have found that when trying to learn a new method that what is happening is the devolopment of new eyes and or newly perceiving the market and following that perception. With that said here is what I am perceiving at the moment after rereading your past posts and then having a relook at charts. Could you add some information to my perception of my current view and what we are looking at...Here is what I am seeing

1. new float on several time frames

2. macd and stoch up on lower time frame and down on higher time frame but looking like they may turn up on higher time frames too.

3. shi_channel still turned up on 15 and hour and price has gone thru the bottom of the channel quite a bit.

4. In order for the V to begin we need a turning up on the macd and stochs in higher time frame.

5. Price is currently turning up nicely on the 5 minute and starting on the 15. As price turns up it will come back up to the shi_channel and continue in the present direction of the shi_channel which is north.

6.the float will continue to rise or possibly pull back a little bit when retracements happen.

7. Price is at extreme overshoot ie. past -0/8 on the murrey math lines on the 5/15/1 hour so an upside correction is potentially in the works from that angle.

8. After the V hits bottom then price will cross the 60 then the 200.

price will then be at approximately the midline

9. On the 15 minute chart a 50 % fib retracement from the previous high swing point of 8868 would put price at a murrey major support/resistance line of 4/8.

What else should I be looking at? If this is about the V then we need to perceive the bottom, a bottom is usually perceived in retrospect and or while it is forming which is now as we speak, the question is WHEN TO GET IN? Because what you are sharing is not only price but TIME then I guess patience and the passing of time and chart watching and eventually jumping into the trade is what is happening. I think where I am severely LACKING is looking at the WAVES. Thanks for any insight.

Hi, thanks for the input..yeah we all percieve things differently, thats why i decided to share with everyone...the new float on all time frames will indicate a strong shift in direction. Obviously on the 1 min it will produce a new float more often....I'll find the book and post it.Steve Woods "float analysis"..it was used for price and volume in stocks.the float was the turn over of floating stocks changing hands...buyers at the bottom, sellers at the top..the swing box captures the action if the market is to the upside it will enter the box at the bottom left and move its way up, same as down trend, top to bottom...obviously it will break levels, otherwise it would just bounce from one side to the other....its like i said earlier, the market has trend within trends within trends and so...the more wave degrees come together.IE time frames the stronger the move, snowball effect...they all target fibonacci/gann time and price relationships..Have a look at the chart below...the float works in the same way, the blue verticl line is a time line, its a signal of shift in direction..now wether thats a reversal, pullback or whatever, its letting you know..macd stochs, 1 min, 5 min, 15 min. hr, daily.they will turn up sooner on lower time frame, they will follow on the higher time frames or stay down if it continues.

I know they say trade in the direction of the shi channel, but it can be still up when infact the direction is down..like on the hour, but the trend is up, the direction is down, this is because it will still illicit support from previous action..


the blue lines are auto day fibs...

THis float i took the denap lines off there was too many wsith the MM line aswell, plus they are static..


without lines..

float_2.mq4  18 kb

JD, Thanks for the feedback.

JD, Thanks for the feedback.

Thnks for your input..theres alot to put down and trying to keep it simple as well. The reason why things like macd, stochs, trendlines, channels are important is because the big boys use them. If old matey at the CB or hegde fund or whatever, if my 1 HR stock is closing at its lowest or highest price, then so is his...all news is priced in, sure chinese walls are in place, but if your incharge of 100 mil you leave nothing to chance..Trade the set up not the reaction, listen to the charts..

The template will not help you, you need the indicator.

I think it's this one.

Thanks for insights jonnydenver!

thanks timo


Hi JD.

I'm reading this thread from the start and must say that this is very interesting trading method. Big boys use a simple methods they don't use fancy indicators so we just have to follow them. I tried your template but macd, zig zag, channel and some indicator that paints bars are missing. Could you please post your template and all indicators that you use in zip or rar file.


jd.jpg  135 kb

JD its this one the book about the "Float" that u have???

thanks, hope this help others too...

Good trading!!



heres the shi channel...the indicators are on the previous page...

Yeah its the same book, in theirs you'll see they use price channels as well...The only 2 seperate indicator panes the big boys use are Macd and stochs..as for the settings standard, the stochs 10.5.5 expoential.close ..some people use different, alot of people use MA cross, with the float you'll find you dont need to..