What Really Works From One Professional - page 96


Manual searched

Hi wavewhizz, you are right.

Certainly it would be of advantage to know the manual JD distributed by mail.Thats the information me and probably others coming late are seaching for.

Please could you or somebody else pass this manual on to us 'Latecomers' by uploading it to the forum or distributing it by email.

Thanks Trix

PS: my addy: ring80@gmx.net

please send manual as attachment



Hi wavewhizz, you are right.

Certainly it would be of advantage to know the manual JD distributed by mail.Thats the information me and probably others coming late are seaching for.

Please could you or somebody else pass this manual on to us 'Latecomers' by uploading it to the forum or distributing it by email.

Thanks Trix

PS: my addy: ring80@gmx.net

please send manual as attachment

Are you or are you not part of the cited by you "JD's students"? I seem to have taken you as one of them . As for the manuals, I do not have any - that is why I want to have them - to rely upon them, not upon my assumptions of them


I don't have the manual except..

I remeber someone post the collection of thread from the chat room with JD. Please check the attachment whether it help.



No, wavewhiss (#955) I'm not a participant of JD's live chat sessions.

I only found this thread when JD was 'gone' already.

So I begged 'JD's students' to pass on their knowledge and offered my 'compendium' to show what I've learned already by reading the thread and where they can build on.

So you, wavewhizz (#955), may have misunderstood my plea. Im in search for information as you are.

Thanks, superbait (#956), for you uploading some info. Trix

It's a pity and I would be happy if JD would come back after holiday time in Thailand.

Me too.

Why not JD69's students passing on their knowledge?

So I beg people as




















yurcekfor example to resume what they think is the key of JD69's successfull strategy.

Me for my part I'll try to compose a short compendium of JD69's postings.


i havent participated of all chats, so i havent all informations needed, of course i need to get more knowledge about the system.




I did not participate in the chats either. I followed the thread along however, but I realized that the JD strategy although probably effective required a bit too much interpretation for my taste. Besides the fact that i'm in EST and cannot trade the London session anyway. I learnd a few bits and pieces from JD's strategy and added it to my own. I will post it when I feel that its working well enough. I also prefer my strategy becuase it's tuned to my own trading style. So all in all I am not a JD trading guru.

I think the one pearl of wisdom that I have heard from many successful traders as well as JD is that "momentum precedes price". Abide by that and you won't lose.



The rules for the trading strategy of JD


No, sorry i didnt get your gist at all, i dont think you did either. If you cant rely on yourself you're up shit creek. EA this, EA that, it's bollocks.deep down you know..This is a reality check, your not going to make money with an EA, it's that simple, the money it does make it will give back. Half of you are going to make great programmers, when it comes to trading, you're not. If you spent as much time and effort learning your own abilities, controlling your emotions, and trading what you see, you'd make it. Instead you're running around chasing EA after EA,back testing this, back testing that. well wax, on wax off grasshoppers...take a look at my trade from Friday, after i took a week off...Know where you are and know where you're going, problem is it takes hard work, effort and understanding. Why do you want to run EA, are you a hedge fund or unit trust manager, are you running a CIS or a ICVC no you're not. Bet you're chasing a couple of majors and at least 3 crosses even bet your hedging, fuck me you need eyes in the back of your head.

Many of you are crying and begging for the rules that JD used in his trading.

If you would read one of his first postings before this hype started you would understand that there are no set of rules then can be explained on paper.

You would learn or understand that the trading method that JD used is mainly discretionary.

If it would be possible to discribe the rules for every entry or exit for his strategy on paper, it would be possible to build an EA.

He posted his indicators and he tryed to explain how he uses his indicators. He tryed to explain that trading can be very easy (but for one who is very good at what he does it is always easy). But he also says that trading is not easy in this way that it is not looking to your indicators and just push a button when a few indicators lign up.

You have to understand the market, you have to feel the price.

And there are no set of rules to get those capacitys.

Piccaso can explain to 1000 people what paint he uses what brushes that he uses, what technics he uses how he looks to his subject etc...and try to write that down on paper. Will that make a picasso of one of them?...

Don't get me wrong and I don't want to sound as a teacher but to many people who are sitting here are only looking for a system or a method or an EA or an indicator that could make them earn money (I see people using or testing EA's for weeks and they don't have the faintest idea or any clue what that EA does). They are not interesseted in becoming good traders true gaddering as much knowledge as possible. And with this knowledge trying to build their own strategys or systems. They are only interesseted in trying to earn money and as soon as possible and it does not matter how or with what.

Those people will never walk the path of succes.

Earning money by following a canned system or a set of rules over some period of time is not the same as beeing a succesfull trader.

Succes comes true knowledge. Knowledge comes true experience. Experience comes true time and hard work.

He gave you a set of indicators. Look to them study on them. Look for entrys or patterns that repeat themselfs so you get a higher statisticall value of entering a profitable trade.

If you don't see anything in those indicators then trow them away and look for other indicators that can tell you something.

But don't forget that most of you can look to 1000 indicators, you will still not hear or see anything.

What JD does can not be explained in a set of rules when to go long when to go short or when to exit. He is a TRADER. A discretionary trader that sticks to a strategy by relying on his indicators but who feels and understands the market. So he knows what to do or what not to do in wich circomstances. That is the key to his succes. And remember that succes started with lots of time and very hard work. Not by searching on the internet for a set of rules.

Those who keep looking or searching for his rules did not understand his message.


Many of you are crying and begging for the rules that JD used in his trading.

If you would read one of his first postings before this hype started you would understand that there are no set of rules then can be explained on paper.

You would learn or understand that the trading method that JD used is mainly discretionary.

If it would be possible to discribe the rules for every entry or exit for his strategy on paper, it would be possible to build an EA.

He posted his indicators and he tryed to explain how he uses his indicators. He tryed to explain that trading can be very easy (but for one who is very good at what he does it is always easy). But he also says that trading is not easy in this way that it is not looking to your indicators and just push a button when a few indicators lign up.

You have to understand the market, you have to feel the price.

And there are no set of rules to get those capacitys.

Piccaso can explain to 1000 people what paint he uses what brushes that he uses, what technics he uses how he looks to his subject etc...and try to write that down on paper. Will that make a picasso of one of them?...

Don't get me wrong and I don't want to sound as a teacher but to many people who are sitting here are only looking for a system or a method or an EA or an indicator that could make them earn money (I see people using or testing EA's for weeks and they don't have the faintest idea or any clue what that EA does). They are not interesseted in becoming good traders true gaddering as much knowledge as possible. And with this knowledge trying to build their own strategys or systems. They are only interesseted in trying to earn money and as soon as possible and it does not matter how or with what.

Those people will never walk the path of succes.

Earning money by following a canned system or a set of rules over some period of time is not the same as beeing a succesfull trader.

Succes comes true knowledge. Knowledge comes true experience. Experience comes true time and hard work.

He gave you a set of indicators. Look to them study on them. Look for entrys or patterns that repeat themselfs so you get a higher statisticall value of entering a profitable trade.

If you don't see anything in those indicators then trow them away and look for other indicators that can tell you something.

But don't forget that most of you can look to 1000 indicators, you will still not hear or see anything.

What JD does can not be explained in a set of rules when to go long when to go short or when to exit. He is a TRADER. A discretionary trader that sticks to a strategy by relying on his indicators but who feels and understands the market. So he knows what to do or what not to do in wich circomstances. That is the key to his succes. And remember that succes started with lots of time and very hard work. Not by searching on the internet for a set of rules.

Those who keep looking or searching for his rules did not understand his message.


How True,

But I would like to add that even the Mighty JD looses trades. Why do you think he always "goes away" to exotic places and attacks everyone with dirty words etc when things get hot....But, overall in balance he may be winning x% in a month.And I am sure he had some loosing months, so don't look for a grail, just look for a perception and understand that you must loose to win.

This is a zero sum game, and JD's system is built on loopholes in the forex orders system ("v") - which may be mended in a few months to a year.

So take away what you can and move.

Afterall, if JD was such a big winner he would not have needed to try to sell to you guys stuff on the post and by private emails...

Move on guys, just move on.


I have never been offered anything for sale from JD.

Hmmmmmm.........First I've heard of this.

How True,

But I would like to add that even the Mighty JD looses trades. Why do you think he always "goes away" to exotic places and attacks everyone with dirty words etc when things get hot....But, overall in balance he may be winning x% in a month.And I am sure he had some loosing months, so don't look for a grail, just look for a perception and understand that you must loose to win.

This is a zero sum game, and JD's system is built on loopholes in the forex orders system ("v") - which may be mended in a few months to a year.

So take away what you can and move.

Afterall, if JD was such a big winner he would not have needed to try to sell to you guys stuff on the post and by private emails...

Move on guys, just move on.

I would suggest that you Gandalf stick by your own "magic" and do not try to give advice in a thread where advice is expected from others!!! Stop trying to evaluate something you are not aware of!!!