What Really Works From One Professional - page 18


This is what happens when you have admin password equal member password...I have created JD69 Strategy, same passcode 6925...I'll hand you the admin code, JD.

This is what happens when you have admin password equal member password...I have created JD69 Strategy, same passcode 6925...I'll hand you the admin code, JD.

Im in now.

See you all in an 1 1/2 hours. I need some sleep !


JD I have the pound at the bottom of a channel Its broken out on the 1 min and 5 min charts is that the start of the v formation?


Guy's the room is open. don't know why you can find it... All the administrators should be able to get in... we have to figure that out. sorry guys


which room


I can't even get paltalk to run on my machine, and I'm not rebooting right now...


yes its been all over the place this am

JD Strategy is now back up


JD69 Strategy, passcode 6925

I tried to log in..after booting my system and I got the message. The maximum allowed Members has being reached, please try another room. Seem like only 10 persons can chat at one time.

Admin/JD..could you please increase the number of Members to more than 10


JD69 Strategy, passcode 6925

I tried to log in..after booting my system and I got the message. The maximum allowed Members has being reached, please try another room. Seem like only 10 persons can chat at one time.

Admin/JD..could you please increase the number of Members to more than 10


I cannot get it either.....


there's a problem with the limit of people on the chat room

Hugo has set it to 200 but it seems maxed out at 10