What Really Works From One Professional - page 14



So I wonder what ever happened to the guy who posted the original post that you thought was so stupid...... They all come and go I guess.

Anyways, I have a suggestion....

Maybe we can start a NEW thread, you naming it of course and being the moderator, and with your agreement you can post a "How to" with using the charts and such and how to set it up and how to interprete the signals..

What do you think??



Sad news

I just found out some very sad news.

After this mournings trading and chatting with you all, I had to take my wife to see the Gyno, there was something wrong yesterday, and they did an ultrasound on the baby today..

Well, there was no heart beat, and the doctor determined it was a miscarriage.

So it is safe to say today was not a good day for me........


Pikachucom, im really sorry to hear that my friend...all my support for u and your wife!!! take good care.

god blees you




there is no FLOAT indicator when I loaded the template? Is there suppose to be one already in the template?

And I noticed in your pics, you have more indicators loaded, should we do the same and what are the settings?



My condolence

Pikachucom - I am very sorry this has happened. Your wife will need your strength. Someone close to me always says she views each day as an opportunity to be a new person. You can start fresh and go from there. I will pray for you and your wife.


I just found out some very sad news.

After this mournings trading and chatting with you all, I had to take my wife to see the Gyno, there was something wrong yesterday, and they did an ultrasound on the baby today..

Well, there was no heart beat, and the doctor determined it was a miscarriage.

So it is safe to say today was not a good day for me........

MAn i just wanna give you a virtual hug!! I don't know your family but i got sad just to hear that.. Sometimes life is like this, but things will be good again, i will pray for that. In the mean while i just wish all the best for your and your beloved wife. Be strong! Take care!


Pikachucom - I offer my sincere condolences to you both. It is indeed a sad day.

"These things are sent to try us" ... just doesn't seem like enough for the loss of a child.



PIkachucom...I'am sorry to hear that, it is very very sad....


looks like a correction to 639....should accelerate down all being well... i would say 555-520 is target.....signals are neutral but that will change...


Pikachucom, I just reat the sad news about you and your wife. I am really sory for what happend. I hope you will find the strength to go back to life. Take care
