What Really Works From One Professional - page 6


oh i could hide neath the blue birds wing as she sings..


Cheers !!!

Dont drink too much malt beer this weekend!!!

this signal came on round 1ish, i'd already baggged 70 on the way down, it looked like a down day....i was long at 620, they should frame this...lots of beer..


bang on the button,,,,



I want to mirror your trades !!!!!!

You'd have to get up damm early.........see why i stick with just one major, every day i can pull 100 pips straight off, the reason for the V shape is to do with the quote driven system that they use.. before trading an auction is run called an opening call...they enter orders, but no automatic execution....then theres a matching period, the teh continous order book trading takes place. in the auction they can only enter a limit or market order....hence the v shape to serach the orders when the algorithim. is run.beacuse these are the only 2 alowed before the open, one specifies size and price the other is just size but no price, the market order can only be used at opening and closing auction. hence the move at the 16;00 london fix.....there you have it..

You'd have to get up damm early.........see why i stick with just one major, every day i can pull 100 pips straight off, the reason for the V shape is to do with the quote driven system that they use.. before trading an auction is run called an opening call...they enter orders, but no automatic execution....then theres a matching period, the teh continous order book trading takes place. in the auction they can only enter a limit or market order....hence the v shape to serach the orders when the algorithim. is run.beacuse these are the only 2 alowed before the open, one specifies size and price the other is just size but no price, the market order can only be used at opening and closing auction. hence the move at the 16;00 london fix.....there you have it..


How do you know all this??

Im awake, im awake..........pisser, its 2 am !!!!!!!!!! hehe

But to get in with your trades...any freakin day I will wake up !!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, I downloaded the Elwave, and I put those files in the place you said, but I cant quite figure out how to open a chart yet and use MT4 data. I did turn on in the MT4 under "Tools" then "Options" and click on the "Enable DDE Server"..... Correct??

And I open up Elwave and then I click on "Chart/Open"? or "Chart/New Chart"

Step by step what do I need to do to get a GBPUSD chart and get the data???

thanks dude



How do you know all this??

Im awake, im awake..........pisser, its 2 am !!!!!!!!!! hehe

But to get in with your trades...any freakin day I will wake up !!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, I downloaded the Elwave, and I put those files in the place you said, but I cant quite figure out how to open a chart yet and use MT4 data. I did turn on in the MT4 under "Tools" then "Options" and click on the "Enable DDE Server"..... Correct??

And I open up Elwave and then I click on "Chart/Open"? or "Chart/New Chart"

Step by step what do I need to do to get a GBPUSD chart and get the data???

thanks dude

yeah enable DDE server...in MT4....

HI, MT4/open the options, history centre....GBP/USD....select min....export that to a file...make a new location file...start Elwave...new chart....import the saved chart..define data.....and it should open........select price data....realtime datafeed.......in DDE server type MT4...in ticker(topic) type BID...in close item type GBPUSD...press ok it will say save data location choose a new file.. press ok...it will run realtime.... if time permiting Cbale would of drop alot more, that would of been a big pullback good for 50-60 pips, like i said though time was running out....i think it stopped at 820.. as you get use to it you can mess around with the settings, no need at the moment though....


The hardest way to make an easy living....

this signal came on round 1ish, i'd already baggged 70 on the way down, it looked like a down day....i was long at 606, they should frame this...lots of beer..

every day of every week, this pattern exsists......wether v up or down, corrective or impulse, consistent to the end..the first 2 move sof the day, how simple can that be.I run a mathematical algorithim pattern recognition once every so often, 3 years data and this pattern occurs 94%........

yeah enable DDE server...in MT4.... HI, MT4/open the options, history centre....GBP/USD....select min....export that to a file...make a new location file...start Elwave...new chart....import the saved chart..define data.....and it should open........select price data....realtime datafeed.......in DDE server type MT4...in ticker(topic) type BID...in close item type GBPUSD...press ok it will say save data location choose a new file.. press ok...it will run realtime.... if time permiting Cbale would of drop alot more, that would of been a big pullback good for 50-60 pips, like i said though time was running out....i think it stopped at 820.. as you get use to it you can mess around with the settings, no need at the moment though....

It does not matter what time frame? I can pick 1H or whatever?

And how do you make a "New location file"

sorry for my not knowing this stuff


hi, the time frame is unimportant when your exporting from MT4....its the stored data to make up the chart.....when you run it ion elwave and run realtime it will update the chart...its basically so you dont have to start a historic file from scratch...that takes time...the time frame in elwave its not like selecting your charts in MT4, the chart will analyse all the time frames on one chart....thats why itds so effective, when 2or more wave dergrees (time frames)come together the better, but all on one chart....you have patterns within patterns that make up your trends, if its looking long and you have 2-3 wave ,s pointing in the same direction its going to accelerate....look at the chart here, this was this morning, early when it was looking down, before nonfarms. it picked up the shift in direction to the upside way before the NFP came out..you can see it was all down infact it did but bounced off 600, it gave me the first 70 pips of the day...the smaler wave dergees go from the bottom up...you can see at the top the 5 which is the 240TF and the 111 which is the daily where it topped out, the correction coming off the top.....

When Exporting the GBPUSD, I clicked "Export" then the Save As box came up, but what "Save as type" should I save it as? ASCII Text (*.csv) or (*.pm)???

Or am I to create a seperate File on my desk top and then import it to there?



When Exporting the GBPUSD, I clicked "Export" then the Save As box came up, but what "Save as type" should I save it as? ASCII Text (*.csv) or (*.pm)???

Or am I to create a seperate File on my desk top and then import it to there?


save as AScii csv

You'd have to get up damm early.........see why i stick with just one major, every day i can pull 100 pips straight off, the reason for the V shape is to do with the quote driven system that they use..


Can you just simply POST your trades to this THREAD just after you enter a trade and we will get the email of the posting instantly and then I can MIRROR your trades!!!

Im being serious.....


thanks dude