Strange Updates by IBFX - page 2


Did you find anything, Codersguru? With your monitor.


Did you find anything, Codersguru? With your monitor. Thanks

No I've forgotten that every data MT sent is encrypted

"Data exchange between the Client Terminal and the server is performed by encryption based on 128-bit keys. This is sufficient to ensure security of trading. However, besides this system, terminal allows to use one more system: Advanced Security system based on digital signature algorithm of RSA. It is an asymmetric encryption algorithm that implies presence of a public and a private key. Public key can be freely distributed and used for checking the authenticity of a message signed with a private key. Knowing of the public key is guaranteed not to be possible basis for decoding of the private one within an acceptable period of time. Decoding of the private key on the basis of the public one will take tens or hundreds of years even with modern powerful computers."


Thanks anyway. Hmmmm.. it might be interesting to read what Metaquotes writes on their website. Maybe they say something about gathering information.



I posted the question on Metaquotes forum.

Here's the answer:

Please read item 42 of news (12 January 2006) at

42. MetaEditor: Added integrated access to web site. It is very easy to access to any script published at now.

Find 'Online Library' tab of 'Toolbox' window of MetaEditor.

Data never collect from users.