Strange Updates by IBFX


Has anyone noticed the strange new updates from IBFX?

Its odd, since I am more than 321 pips in profits for two days.....

Anyway, If I were u guys, I would block in my firewall the MetaEDITOR. There is no need for that to access the web.

Moreover, I ran some complex algo's and found a bandwidth leak from the new updates after installation (about 1.25% more...)- I am not paranoid - but all of u should keep the code from your ea's on a diff partition in your cpu, althogh the ea's could be reversed engineered.....I am doing it all the take care of your info.


George Orwell...


Yes this is odd, I have also noticed many 3rd party software companies specializing in forex items do not support (and have no plans) to support metatrader. Maybe they know something we dont ?


Interesting. I thought about this too, whenever i saw MetaEditor trying to access the internet.

How could we keep the code on a different partition of the cpu? I've never heard of this possibility.



Try Partition Magic.

Great Software!!!

Just emule it or other p2p soft.


But didn't you mean partition on the hd?

But didn't you mean partition on the hd?


All hard drives don't come with partitions. So you just have one "logical" C: drive that runs windows on.

So, what you do, is that you turn that C: into multiple drives. So you have one logical drive ( C: Drive) and as many Non-logical Drives ( D: drive, E: drive, F: drive ,etc) that you can't load windows on, and merely used for storing purposes or to install programs to. Unless of course you want a dual boot up system on the same drive you turn C and D into logical drives.and the rest non-logical for each logical drive.


Maybe this would be an idea for all the coder gurus here ;)

Couldn't it be possible to analyze what MetaTrader does and which data it sends?

Just an idea, maybe some people who are good with computers would like to analyze this..

Maybe this would be an idea for all the coder gurus here ;)

Couldn't it be possible to analyze what MetaTrader does and which data it sends?

Just an idea, maybe some people who are good with computers would like to analyze this..

Yes, this is easily done! I'll setup a monitor and see what's up!


Great!! Very interesting

Yes, this is easily done! I'll setup a monitor and see what's up!

Something is wrong with the new updates !!!!

Hey Guru, do u see the logs output?.....Anything could be analyzed by that!!!!!!

I dont like it!!!

Something is wrong with the new updates !!!!

Hey Guru, do u see the logs output?.....Anything could be analyzed by that!!!!!!

I dont like it!!!

Hey fx-programmer!

I don't think there's new thing in the log output! I don't like it either but nothing to worry!