Profit Generator EA results - page 12


Just saw your statements...nice.

Did you use the obsolete setting? how many minutes?



I have the basic statement managment system done: So go ahead and give it a try, if you run into any bugs let me know and I'll get them fixed ASAP. I'll be adding the ability to edit/delete statements soon, but it should work fine as-is for now.

You super rock man, great job.

You super rock man, great job.

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

Eric: I added the ability to delete the statments that you post, so you can go ahead and remove that if you wish.

The idea of auto updating is a great one, but it this point in time, I don't have the time/money to set it up. Right now this system is sharing a server with my company site and one other, so I'm a bit hesitent to set up an open FTP account on it (not that I don't trust you guys, but it's more the people I don't know about that would worry me).

Once I add the edit feature it will be a bit more useful. If the system seems something worth using for this EA, and expanding to others, I'll look at adding an FTP function.

You people, you all make me "SICK". Someone has provided this PG EA to you to use freely, and you have decided that you want to restrict the development of the EA to a certain group of people that fulfil a certain criteria.

You are all full of BS - even you Sadaloma!

Had you come up with the EA yourself, I would understand what you are saying - but you didn't. The idea of sharing is to share, and not to be paranoid about who will "leach" and who will "contribute"

In my opinion, all of you who have agreed to take this to a "elite" section, well you are of a low character, and are just fuelled by selfish motivations!

Cool down.

Everybody is free to speak their openion. We contribute and florish just to contribute and express opinion freely. Elite dosen't mean that it is not free. Its mean, streamlining development of ea towards right path. Nobody is 'leach', but still if we all contribute then we will do this testing development fast and make money in real market. Sometime using words like that make people more motivated.




You people, you all make me "SICK". Someone has provided this PG EA to you to use freely, and you have decided that you want to restrict the development of the EA to a certain group of people that fulfil a certain criteria.

You are all full of BS - even you Sadaloma!

Had you come up with the EA yourself, I would understand what you are saying - but you didn't. The idea of sharing is to share, and not to be paranoid about who will "leech" and who will "contribute"

In my opinion, all of you who have agreed to take this to a "elite" section, well you are of a low character, and are just fuelled by selfish motivations!


The member named "Manager" took his "sti" EA to the "elite" section because he believed it was such a powerful ea, and wanted its development to be streamlined blah, blah,blah...

What happen?????

Well, about a month ago he posted a message saying that the STI EA had given back alot of the profits it made etc - so much for streamlining!

And also, why on earth does this need to be taken elsewhere to achieve "streamlining development of ea towards right path". The development of this EA has been doing fine on forex-tsd! Why all of a sudden the wish to take it somewhere else????

The member named "Manager" took his "sti" EA to the "elite" section because he believed it was such a powerful ea, and wanted its development to be streamlined blah, blah,blah...

What happen?????

Well, about a month ago he posted a message saying that the STI EA had given back alot of the profits it made etc - so much for streamlining!

And also, why on earth does this need to be taken elsewhere to achieve "streamlining development of ea towards right path". The development of this EA has been doing fine on forex-tsd! Why all of a sudden the wish to take it somewhere else????

Luckly he transfers his ea. He saves lot of people money putting this ea in elite , thats what i am talking about. The only solution for any ea is mass testing. Testing, testing, and only testing. We need hell lot of testing. We need to check all options, all timing, and all brokers. I am again saying, I am not in favor of putting good things in elite section but if we can have good testing out there then why not.

There are couple of ea which are working on 1M timeframe i never beleive that it's gona work and it does. Why I knew it due to testing. Some time best theoritcal theories got failed after testing. Testing is the only way of success. Elite section mean, i think, test heavily everything then come up and save people money thats what i think manager thought of before putting sti in elite section.



The member named "Manager" took his "sti" EA to the "elite" section because he believed it was such a powerful ea, and wanted its development to be streamlined blah, blah,blah...

What happen?????

Well, about a month ago he posted a message saying that the STI EA had given back alot of the profits it made etc - so much for streamlining!

And also, why on earth does this need to be taken elsewhere to achieve "streamlining development of ea towards right path". The development of this EA has been doing fine on forex-tsd! Why all of a sudden the wish to take it somewhere else????

Calm down. Nobody is taking this EA to the elite section. The discussion of PG is staying right here in these two threads.

The only thing anyone did was make a valuable contribution by providing a quick, easy, one-stop location for posting statements. That's a good thing! It helps everyone who chooses to use it. What's the problem??


You are all full of BS - even you Sadaloma!

Wowww that hurts man

Dude, I just wanted to motivate people to forward test and post their statements.

As you can see, this forum has a " post and compare " section but unfortunately it's been neglected for a long while. My intention is to revive the sharing feeling and I basically don't care which section it is as long as we DO share. As I said earlier, I want to keep everything public and the developpement of the EA should remain here ( I repeatedly stress on that in previous posts)but my view on sharing may differ from yours.

I won't take your remark personally but before you single me out and say I am full of BS, please try to understand the intention behind the posts.



By the way, this forum was born and created by people involved in the Yahoo Metatrader group who wanted to make it easier to discuss the TSD EA. It was made to help others and organize info. It just happened to grow into something so much more and I'm glad I was a part of it.

Sada knows this--we have both been here since day 1. Don't accuse people of restricting access who have been a key part of the sharing process.