Script to calculate Average Daily Range? - page 8

I am not sure if this will be beter.

I am not tested all combination of switches, .....not tested onlive....

MP MTF pj9100 v0.20.

- replace dll function with buil-in function (no need dll)

- remove max. number of selected symbols

- add sets of Symbols with color select and visible switch

- added symbolFontSize and change position of text on chart

- added visible switch for histogram (work with histoType=1)

- added visible switch for daily bars (work with histiType=1)


It has come out nice. Now you have to check usual errors and see what kind of improvements to the interface you can make. Picture attached to show symbol and definition overlap.


I am not sure if this will be beter.

I am not tested all combination of switches, .....not tested onlive....

MP MTF pj9100 v0.20.

- replace dll function with buil-in function (no need dll)

- remove max. number of selected symbols

- add sets of Symbols with color select and visible switch

- added symbolFontSize and change position of text on chart

- added visible switch for histogram (work with histoType=1)

- added visible switch for daily bars (work with histiType=1)


Selecting Daily bar switch produce this result. Daily bars disappear . Please check all switches. Thank you.

The indicator has really come into good shape and you have given another idea by adding adding gold. Now I will add oil, Japan Nikkei, European stock index and Dow Jones also appear.

So trying to find MT4 platfrom where all these symbols avaialble. Do you know of any such platform? Mostly Russian brokers will have all these symbols. Because they are market makers themselves and good at MT4 technology.

It is also good that you have removed maximum symbol limitation, but you please inform how many maximum symbols can be put on full size screen as I am sure all symbols can't be accommodated.




Selecting Daily bar switch produce this result. Daily bars disappear . Please check all switches. Thank you.

The indicator has really come into good shape and you have given another idea by adding adding gold. Now I will add oil, Japan Nikkei, European stock index and Dow Jones also appear.

So trying to find MT4 platfrom where all these symbols avaialble. Do you know of any such platform? Mostly Russian brokers will have all these symbols. Because they are market makers themselves and good at MT4 technology.

It is also good that you have removed maximum symbol limitation, but you please inform how many maximum symbols can be put on full size screen as I am sure all symbols can't be accommodated.



Sorry for very slow replay. I can not direct accessed to this site last two days .... Now i access to forum true proxy server, but I must religin every second click.

Number of symbols is teretical unlimit. Limit is sceensize and screen resulution. I used on this comp. resoution 1680x1050 and i can see aprox. 35 symbols (fontsize 10, scale 1) on indicator window. About brokers i am not sure. On demo accout has listed a many symbols MasterForex, FxOpen (some stocs, indx,.. InstaForex,AlpariUk (currency symbol).....

Daily candle is OK (see picture). Or have you any sugesstion?

Problem is when you have combine indicator (daily and histogra), if twice using same symbol. Will be remove in next version.

I will try to make export text data to html, and then text data present (and refresh every nn second) in internet browser(see picture - just test). Must solve problem with to many browser window .

picture and picture

Proxy trace to

24 hops / 20.5 seconds
Sorry for very slow replay. I can not direct accessed to this site last two days .... Now i access to forum true proxy server, but I must religin every second click.

Number of symbols is teretical unlimit. Limit is sceensize and screen resulution. I used on this comp. resoution 1680x1050 and i can see aprox. 35 symbols (fontsize 10, scale 1) on indicator window. About brokers i am not sure. On demo accout has listed a many symbols MasterForex, FxOpen (some stocs, indx,.. InstaForex,AlpariUk (currency symbol).....

Daily candle is OK (see picture). Or have you any sugesstion?

Problem is when you have combine indicator (daily and histogra), if twice using same symbol. Will be remove in next version.

I will try to make export text data to html, and then text data present (and refresh every nn second) in internet browser(see picture - just test). Must solve problem with to many browser window .

picture and picture


Thank you very much for making clarification about the daily bar.

1. I am attaching the picture to show the symbol for the daily bar not appearing and also giving some suggestion.

2. Finally I find platform has maximum symbols any MT4 broker can think of. No other broker is offering so many trading instruments on MT4 platform. Except oil they have most including Gold and all major indices. If you can plan your statistical indicators for the symbols method employed by it will be excellent.

The indicator has shaped up well and the interface is also good. Please make it error free and switches work properly.

Thank you for all your efforts.


I will try to make export text data to html, and then text data present (and refresh every nn second) in internet browser(see picture - just test). Must solve problem with to many browser window .

picture and picture


This idea of yours is good.



I still can not direct access to this site (all other web site open normaly)

Using proxy, many function of forum can not used.

Tracing route to Forex Forum | Forex Tsd | Metatrader Forum [] in N/A
If you can plan your statistical indicators for the symbols method employed by it will be excellent.

With version v0.20 is no limit for symbol length. Symbol can not contain "," (comma). but this symbols can use "." (dot).

Symbols for the daily bur must work. Symbols apper tick or two after indicarot is loading (or try change timeframe). I will check.

Levels for daily candle, will try to in nex version of indicator.



I still can not direct access to this site (all other web site open normaly)

Using proxy, many function of forum can not used.

With version v0.20 is no limit for symbol length. Symbol can not contain "," (comma). but this symbols can use "." (dot).

Symbols for the daily bur must work. Symbols apper tick or two after indicarot is loading (or try change timeframe). I will check.

Levels for daily candle, will try to in nex version of indicator.




Thank you for making excellent statistical indicators. I am waiting for the completion of the statiscal tool box so that I can do some manual testing and then let you know the system. My idea is that this system should be used by any person without any technical analysis or chart reading knowledge.

I want to help all people who depend on interest income by depositing money in the bank. At the moment, banks are not paying any interest and I want to show a way to such people to make money from the fx trading safely.

But I want to develop this system as soon as possible because from next month Euro and GBP will be going up and if I can produce the system before this month-end it will help them for next 1 year easily to get regular income.

I hope you are able to get access to the forum fast. You can email me the new version of statistics tool box if you can't access this forum easily.


I am not sure if this will be beter.

I am not tested all combination of switches, .....not tested onlive....

MP MTF pj9100 v0.20.

- replace dll function with buil-in function (no need dll)

- remove max. number of selected symbols

- add sets of Symbols with color select and visible switch

- added symbolFontSize and change position of text on chart

- added visible switch for histogram (work with histoType=1)

- added visible switch for daily bars (work with histiType=1)


Need following corrections:

* pips/percentage switch work only for daily stat and not for MT and stf.

You can make common for all or better if you give switch for each timeframe section: Mt, staf, .For daily it's already working.

* graph should show another open-close daily average bar. The present bar showing high-low daily average is OK.

New Version

Please add one more section: agoTF text and with stat mode switch: 0 and 1 and the inputs like your histo range script:





Thank you.



Are those number on left of each pair symbol Average daily range ?

Is it possible to have ADR for pass 1 day, and 1 week, 4 week?




Please could you post this script (or link to it) I see on the screenshot.


I just posted something similar in another thread.

Hi there,

As you can see in the pic below, the ATR reads 135 for today (this is eurusd) but for the daily average, the indic reads 156. You can see, however, that the "high to low" also indicates 135. So if you're looking for the "high to low", ATR will do the trick. Just remember it's isn't the same as the Daily Average.

Hope this helps,
