Multi Timeframe Indicators - page 63


2 Valeo

MTF_CCI_Woodies_Lnx_v3_1; well, try


What's the idea...........

p.s. Valeo, what's the idea?

Thanking you ever so much, FXBS.

I am looking at displaying the 60M settings on the 5M-chart and although I have had the privilege of testing the XO, RSI and Sto like this, I could not "see" how the CCI reacts on the 5M-chart when set @ 60M. It has "potential" in my mind (I always have a dedicated H1-chart open and have had for years now) so that I can immediately see what happens on the 5M-chart in front of me.

I will let you know whether it works out for me and why.

Best wishes.


This is my version called T3 Alpha.

Hi, Alpha! what it does? (Your short take)


mtf MAs & mtf MACD by lukas1

different approach(code)

mtf_ma-4h.mq4  5 kb
macd_4h1.mq4  4 kb

sounds interesting

Simbasystem uses 60min SATL on 5m TF as base and main indi proven works good

He experimented and likes WPR the best

mtf sniper's cci works 4 steintz

interesting, what WCCI will show


ang_AZad [c] [Osc] -----


mtf_ ang_AZad [c] + [Osc]; [cw]& [sw] chart & separate windows

p.s. mtfs work only with ini ind. (previous post)


MTF Stochastic

guys i am looking for a Mtf stochastic but i can't find it on the mtf thread...

can someone post here one please?

thanks to the kind person that could help


It should be on mtf thread. But mtf thread is very big so long way to search.

I found it in my Metatrader (attached).


Thank you very much indeed!