Discussion - page 87


Alo alo,

I have a prob with IBFX demo accounts.

I register with new details different emails .I instal the platform and when is time to take the new user and login I take rejection.

Can I overcome this obstacle by any way.

I have eas to test in ibfx minis .

Thank you



As to me so I just installed IBFX MetaTrader and opened demo account (any I want: standard or mini) from Metatrader (right mouse click):

Old demo account is also there, just switch between old and new one.



This exactly what I am doing and I take a rejection signial and no user and pass

I dont have a live account with them.

Shall i remove my old ibfx installation?

I give dif names and emails, I cant undersdtand!!



Statements and excel performance files were posted and updated now. Read this thread https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/174416 to know where to.


And want to remind about this thread one more time.

This thread is for the people who do not have time to visite the forum often (as public as elite sections) and want to have some updated news about:

What is new weekly in public and elite.


Can someone help me?


I'm an italian trader and this is my first time for me in this section. I can't understand how to use the EA that are shared. I have read of the 3000 pips..

is it true? Can someone help me to understand?



3000 pips is all EAs all together.

You will use 1 EA or 2. And it will not be 3000 pips just for sure.

All EAs links to download together with the settings are on this thread https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/176044

Information about results: this page https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/174416

If you need information about how to install EA to MetaTrader so read this thread https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/178706

If you are having some particular question about some EA or about concrete EA's results so every EA is having the thread. Go to this thread https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/176044 than find the EA you want to discuss and post the question in EA's thread.

For example, thread about Firebird EA is here https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/173367 but I stopped testing this EA because this EA is generating up to 30,000 pips in one week (that you probable are looking for but sorry: I am not testing this EA anymore because sometimes it is generating up to minus 10,000 pips in a week). Read Firebird thread for why.

Have idea about improvements or create new EA and EA is not listed here https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/176044 ? Use this thread https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/178397


All the statements and excel files for all EAs were updated now. Read this page to know where to find it https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/174416


Alo alo,

I cant access this page:


Can you regulate my permisions please ?

Thank you



It is nothing with permission. It is deleted commercial threads.