CatFx50 - page 780

OMG, this thread is so crowded, I log in and saw this one. I jump to the last post and don't understand what the meaning of catfx50 is. Too long thread ......

Yes, but there's good stuff here.

Go over to FF and there are threads with 20,000 posts that are the worst I've ever seen. Poor strategies, multi posters who have no clue, all demo trading etc.


thats ok nina..but u are very right about brokers 1 should consider whick to pick and simply stay away from small shops just take neuimex as an example went broke. I was with them but with small playing money, but i smelled the rotten fish well before, that they was only doing 1 thing get their custommers money. 1 of my friends was with them too but only for 1 month he sayd get the hell out from there and he lives in swizerland. And i think there are more to come ( small shops that are getting broke).

But i would like to ask why 1 should take out the profit if making 10k just a quest when i make 100k i simply trade without margin and only risk 0,5% lol.

i think i sommetimes misunderstand u, maybe cause a missing argument.




Weekly Review attached.

I'd like to say something now about news trading in order to help newbies.

As you know, there are news trading services with propietary software that click for you the righ moment the data is out. Those services charge $250 - $300 monthly. They let you know their subscribers make a lot of money and they send you a lot of mails claiming big profits. Well, that's not true. It used to be, but not now. Brokers don't like "spike" traders and they flag them. A lot of them widen their spread from 15 to 100 pips and they do not execute or don't fill at all. And some, fill you, freeze you and when you are in a loss, they let you know.

Take care.

weekly.jpg  182 kb
Hi, Linuxser!

I couldn't have said it better. "12 hours per day to make 20 bucks...". Yes, that's it.

A lot of people do that and they dream to quit their job. I know you can trade for a living, I do, but it is tough, very tough. That's why I get upset when I see all those craps marketing their news trading services. Or this:

A Trillion $ Market? What can $20 do for you? How about change your live".

Nina,i pm you.


Hi, traders!

How are you doing?

Well, we have EURUSD above 1,4000. Nice. And more to come. What do we need in order to see single currency keeping its way to the moon?

We need, and it is mandatory, that ECB does not say its hike cycle has finished. If they keep rates steady without saying the next step will be a cut, EURUSD should keep appreciating versus the $. The next move of FED will be another cut; that's what market is pricing in already.

So, if we are to see all that, which is the EURUSD road map?

For me, 1,4007-1,4000 - 1,3985 are levels to watch if it goes south. While holding above those levels, the next big stop on EURUSD should be 1,4340. Once there, if it is the case, we'll talk.

You should not forget that each time we see EURUSD trading below 1,4007, it will be aiming at 1,3820.

Let me say it again: trade what you see and not what you think.


Hi Nina,

Very happy to see you posting again. Will you resume our service, and if so, on what terms?

Good luck and many pips!

Hi Nina,

Very happy to see you posting again. Will you resume our service, and if so, on what terms?

Good luck and many pips!

Hi, Mrv!

I do not have enough time to resume my service.

I really appreciate all the pm I get. That makes me think that what I gave and charged was worth. Today, for instance, the ODW system has given 100 pips without stress.

Maybe, further on I will do something. I do not know it yet, but it could be live calls based on my catfx2 system plus my levels.


alarm e-mail


being possible to have "alarm email" for indicator aNina_v1?

thank you
