CatFx50 - page 660

Is it just me, or does the market totaly suck these days? Im not trading in these conditions. Wondering what others think?

Oh man! Last week I began my real account... Wow! I've been training in a clear sky but since I began there was always storms... Ranging market, super powerful resistances and supports and my personal initial issues like nervosity as a rookie forex trader... but I'm still alive... I'm in stand by mode!

Oh man! Last week I began my real account... Wow! I've been training in a clear sky but since I began there was always storms... Ranging market, super powerful resistances and supports and my personal initial issues like nervosity as a rookie forex trader... but I'm still alive... I'm in stand by mode!

Hi, Lucasand and Nybegynner!!

Well, there are mates out there that will tell you that they always make money: no matter the kind of market they face. Don't believe them: they lie. Why? I do not know, but they do. The sad reality is that we are in a very tough market. It is full of traps and brokers make their best feast.

CatFX50 is telling you this: price all day long crossing EMA50 up and down.

When I see this I avoid EURUSD.

EW followers are getting nervous about their catastrophic forecast on EURUSD. They have been predicting EURUSD at 1,2300 and some at 1,1100. Today, I'm sure, they have been trying to get a top on cable and a top on EURUSD and they missed that nice ride up on GBPUSD.

It is very tough indeed. But no market is easy.



Hi Nina,

How much you start with forex??



level 1 coming up on the 3 majors?

level 1 coming up on the 3 majors?


The most clear of all is USDCHF. But take care, I do not like the market so far.

Histo on USDCHF is green, but on EURUSD and on GBPUSD is green too @ 11.24cet.



The most clear of all is USDCHF. But take care, I do not like the market so far.

Histo on USDCHF is green, but on EURUSD and on GBPUSD is green too @ 11.24cet.


didnt happened on all 3...we'll just wait


level 2 lng on gu coming up?

level 2 lng on gu coming up?

Hi, Dit!

You have a level 2 buy on EURUSD (12:30cet) @ 1,2548 with stop loss at 1,2529.

Cable has been always long.

Take care, Dit. There is no direction at all so far.


Hi, Dit!

You have a level 2 buy on EURUSD (12:30cet) @ 1,2548 with stop loss at 1,2529.

Cable has been always long.

Take care, Dit. There is no direction at all so far.


thx sis.......



what about long wiht gpbusd????

the signal is cleary or no?