CatFx50 - page 725



If we had that damn USDCHF holding below 1,2440; we'd be flying right now, cause EURUSD would be helping.

As you can see, GBPJPY is helped by GBP and JPY, both going up. The best of all dreams.

We have UK data in 10 minutes. Protect. Dreams end.

High so far on GBPJPY: 236,87.

High so far on GBPUSD: 1,9649.



If it breaks yearly high at 235,91 holding above 234,45 - 233,55-21; next will be 236,65, 237,10, 237,40, 237,55, 237,73, 238,05.

GBPJPY high so far: 237,00. (Bought it at 236,12) + 88 pips. Closed half at 236,99. Rest with Stop now at 236,55.

GBPUSD high so far: 1,9657. (Bought it at 1,9596) + 61 pips. Closed half at 1,9659. Rest with Stop now at 1,9635.



GBPJPY high so far: 237,00. (Bought it at 236,12) + 88 pips. Closed half at 236,99. Rest with Stop now at 236,55.

GBPUSD high so far: 1,9657. (Bought it at 1,9596) + 61 pips. Closed half at 1,9659. Rest with Stop now at 1,9635.


Stop now on GBPJPY at 236,60. Locked + 48 pips.

Stop now on GBPUSD at 1,9649. Locked + 53 pips.

Lets see if USDCHF can break down 1,2440 and hold below. We need that, mates. WE NEED IT!!!!


ABOUT US Dollar Index:

It closed on Friday at 85,02

Pivot on Monday: 85,11.

It needs to break pivot and 85,31 - 85,40 in order to keep going up to 85,74 and 86,17. From there, next will be 87,30- 88,22 and 88,70. It needs to hold above 85,31 to be in bullish gear.

Below 85,40 - 85,31, its way is to down town: 84,95; 84,40-30; 83,37; 83,15; 82,82; 82,24.


US Dollar Index opened at 84,99. It gone up to 85,03 and from there it has made a low at 84,81. It is 11:26 CET now.


Dear Nina,

How to combine these two indicators Hist_StepMA_Stoch_KV1_Ex_03 and aNina_v1 into one window? If we insert these indicators separately (manually) into (for example) Dolly system then we'll have them in two different windows, but if we use load template from catfx50_30_09_06.tpl, we'll get them in one window.

Thanks for your help.




GBPJPY high so far: 237,00. (Bought it at 236,12) + 88 pips. Closed half at 236,99. Rest with Stop now at 236,55.

GBPUSD high so far: 1,9657. (Bought it at 1,9596) + 61 pips. Closed half at 1,9659. Rest with Stop now at 1,9635.


Tell me wh you bought there please.

Take Care !


The Bank of Japan is widely expected to raise interest rates again by another quarter point on Thursday this week. That would raise the key Japanese rate to 0.5%. It doesn't sound like much, but it would actually be the highest rate since 1995.

Data on machinery orders beat market expectations, further strengthening the case for a rise. Private sector companies increased their capital spending in November for the second month in a row, for the first time since late 2005.

However, a hike is by no means a done deal. The government isn't keen for the Bank to hike rates, and the BoJ has come under a fair amount of political pressure, which could well sway the decision - the BoJ is ostensibly independent, like most other developed market central banks, but the Japanese government is a lot more vocal than its counterparts in making its feelings known on central banking matters.

Business confidence is strong; unemployment is still falling; and consumer confidence is recovering from weakness in the third quarter of 2006. But wage and price inflation are still weak. Consumer price inflation grew at an annual rate of just 0.2% in November, while wages were actually down 0.2% on the same month in 2005.

So the Bank may not hike this week. But even if it doesn't, a rise will almost certainly come next month, and most currently expect rates to end the year at around 1%.

But it's important for investors to remember that higher rates - unlike in the UK and most of the rest of the world - should not be something for consumers or businesses in Japan to worry about. As Julian Jessop of Capital Economics points out: "Many households would actually welcome higher rates, because of the boost to savings' income. Rates could certainly rise further without any real damage to the corporate sector, which is in robust health."

Rate hikes in Japan are just a sign of the economy returning to normal after more than a decade-long slump. And make no mistake, the economy is returning to normal - companies have large backlogs of unfulfilled orders; and wages look set to pick up. According to Bedlam Asset Management, unions at telecoms group NTT say they plan to push for wage hikes in April - that would be the first time in six years. Nippon Steel has already said it will raise salaries for the first time in seven years, also in April.

Tell me wh you bought there please.

Take Care !


Hi, Smooth!

Why did I buy there at 236,12?

Well, I did it cause I try to follow my levels.

If it breaks yearly high at 235,91 holding above 234,45 - 233,55-21; next will be 236,65, 237,10, 237,40, 237,55, 237,73, 238,05.

Last high was 236,05 after market opened at 10:30cet yesterday. From there it went down to pivot and from pivot up to 237,03. So, I made enough pips to be happy.

But you are right, as I posted yesterday, BOJ could hike on Wednesday. But JPY is depreciating meanwhile.


I was just asking to understand more when and why you open trades.



I was just asking to understand more when and why you open trades.




Smooth: I like fundis, but I do not trade looking at them. I look at my levels and at price action. That's all I need.

If I can today, I'll post some USDJPY levels to take into account.