CatFx50 - page 608

Hei Nina.... can u explain ur signal with picture ... cause im not clearly understand

Hi, quotingcurrencies!

As you know, we need 2 bars at least with the same high or low for a standard level 4 trade. We did not have that on GBPUSD.

06:00cet bar's high 1,8695

06:30cet bar's high 1,8694

07:00cet bar's high 1,8696

07:30cet bar's high 1,8694

08:00cet bar's high 1,8686


But at 10:30cet we had UK data and we had a big momentum up. It is then when we take the highest high and we buy above EMA120 at 1,8697.




20:15cet recap:

EURUSD, level 4 buy (14:30cet-data) @ 1,2620. It made a high at 1,2733. As you know, if it does not make 15 pips at least, it is a lost for me. - 34 pips.

EURUSD, level 1 sell (16:30cet) @ 1,2685. It made a low at 1,2675 so far. We close it now for the recap. 0 pips.

USDCHF, level 4 sell (14:30cet) @ 1,2417. It made a low at 1,2408. - 34 pips.

USDCHF, level 1 buy (16:00cet) @ 1,2455. It made a high at 1,2517. + 62 pips.

GBPUSD, GBPUSD, level 4 buy (10:30cet-data) @ 1,8697. It has made a high so far at 1,8774.

+ 77 pips.

TOTAL= + 71 pips.







thank u soo much for the hard work u r doing

u r so sweet and helpful

i appreciate that


Thanks, Samyadly.

I do not like the market. Take care, please.

EURUSD, level 2 and level 4 sell (09:30cet) at 1,2685. It made a low so far at 1,2676.


whyu dont like it Nina ???

whyu dont like it Nina ???


Well, as you can see, we are going to nowhere so far. $ is up with bad data.

In 10 hours, eurusd range has been 33 pips.

Market is waiting. This does not mean that we could not see a big rush today. But I like to be confident when I trade. And I'm not now.

In 10 minutes we have UK data. Lets see.




Thanks, Samyadly.

I do not like the market. Take care, please.

EURUSD, level 2 and level 4 sell (09:30cet) at 1,2685. It made a low so far at 1,2669. + 16 pips.



Hi all,

I'm new here and there are tons of info. I'll eventually go through it.

In the meantime, can someone tell me what paramaters to enter to create the two EMAs (50 and 120)?

Thanks a lot and thanks to nina also.

Edited: Never mind, I've got it.