CatFx50 - page 318

load up ??? what do you mean? mibl

I was just wondering to go long.Is it not the signal on go long?

Eur/Usd is also long? That is what I mean.



Do you have to have confirmation on Swissy to act on Eur/usd?

Do you have to have confirmation on Swissy to act on Eur/usd?

Hi ajagawal,

sorry for late answer, was bussy with the trade watching because of the unstable situation - yes we have signals on

EURUSD:11:00 cet: Long level 1 @1.2325, current high @1.2344 (>11:00 cet)


10:30 cet: Long Level 1 @1.7811, current high @1.7824 (>11:00 cet)


none yet - because there is no confirmation (crossing) of aNina[StepMA_Stoch] yet

For those who are in these trades - in minimum profits on eurusd should be secured by stop.

ajagarwal: The behaviour of swissy could be better in terms of time, because the pair is dragging behind eurusd (see ema's and price crossing on ema) but nevertheless it is going down and that is more important for the possibility of an eurusd upmove.




hi all,

can anybody upload the updated StepMA_Stoch, used to cath the move Nina adress for april 20/06 that catched the +400 pips move,


Hi ajagawal,

sorry for late answer, was bussy with the trade watching because of the unstable situation - yes we have signals on

EURUSD:11:00 cet: Long level 1 @1.2325, current high @1.2344 (>11:00 cet)


10:30 cet: Long Level 1 @1.7811, current high @1.7824 (>11:00 cet)


none yet - because there is no confirmation (crossing) of aNina[StepMA_Stoch] yet

For those who are in these trades - in minimum profits on eurusd should be secured by stop.

ajagarwal: The behaviour of swissy could be better in terms of time, because the pair is dragging behind eurusd (see ema's and price crossing on ema) but nevertheless it is going down and that is more important for the possibility of an eurusd upmove.


Many thanks.I wish I had such clear understandingiii

hi all,

can anybody upload the updated StepMA_Stoch, used to cath the move Nina adress for april 20/06 that catched the +400 pips move,


Hi gusdin....,

there is no special edition - it was possible with the standards depending on the exit strategy (additionally read post #3139) - but the start layed outside of the trading time



hi mibl i posted yesterday chart on cable as for today i had no signal on eur or cable there is a short now on cable 7785 there was a level 2 on swiss 2780 at 1130 gmt

hi mibl i posted yesterday chart on cable as for today i had no signal on eur or cable there is a short now on cable 7785 there was a level 2 on swiss 2780 at 1130 gmt

hi harold4x,

I saw that chart - thanks a lot. I think with your 3 StepStochs you pick out the signals which have more momentum. But could it be that you get in the trades later than with standard catfx-rules - only a suggestion?



when the signals come they come remember the step stocs are filters helping me to get in at good price and any way isnt trading all about momentum take a look at market cable short swiss still long and a false level 2 on euro