CatFx50 - page 206

Bit by bit I study and learn this great system from Nina.

But, where do the numbers come from in Nina's quote above?

Looking at the EUR/USD and GBP/USD charts and do not see.

On USD/CHF chart I see the 1.2743 as a fib pivot "overshoot-1" or is that coincidence?

Are these fib, cam or pivot numbers? Or where do they come from?

I am new to trading so maybe it is a stupid question.

Any help appreciated.


I' m not sure either, I dont remember a post explaining these levels.

I have had a wild stab at producing levels based on the support/ resistance of the ema50 on the daily chart - see attached, I have also looked at Fib retracements and expansions but they do not line up with Ninas figures...

Nina - any chance of an explanation or could someone else fill us iin...

levels.gif  40 kb
If you are using a high amount of bars, say 2000. You need to make sure the you have over 2000 bars loaded into your chart. Turn off the autoscroll and drag the chart back in time until the stepma_stoch starts to draw. You'll have to do it in every timeframe that you want to see it in. Mookfx

Thanks Mookfx.

Is there a way to generally increase the number of bars that load into a chart? I have already set the maximum number to 250,000 maximum bars in history and 250,000 maximum bars per chart in "tools/options/chart".



GMT versus Other Time Zone

Does it matter which time zone I use for the indicators in the CatFX50 system as long as they are all set the same?

Right now I have all of them set for GMT since InterbankFX data is time-stamped with GMT. Would it be beneficial, for example, to time-shift the indicators to New York time zone if I were going to do most of my trading in the New York session? Or does this make no difference in trading CatFX50?


good work on this thread.


very good thread nina hope you keep doing the great work for everyone.


Hi npj6400

Thanks a lot for the good explanation in post # 2070.


ps: well done in the cricket yesterday!


we're having signals now correct?

buy cable, and sell usd chf?

StepMA Stoch on eurusd today reached 0.04, next candle was 0.07 --> that was a buy sig?

we're having signals now correct?

buy cable, and sell usd chf?

StepMA Stoch on eurusd today reached 0.04, next candle was 0.07 --> that was a buy sig?

Yes, we have signals. I'm in.

TP-15, SL-34.

Have a nice day.


we're having signals now correct?

buy cable, and sell usd chf?

StepMA Stoch on eurusd today reached 0.04, next candle was 0.07 --> that was a buy sig?

YES - my first live trades:

Buy 1 Lot USD/GBP 1.7566

Sell 1 Lot CHF/USD 1.2887

no risk no fun

not sure for eurusd - i decided to stay out ...



Today's signals so far:

EURUSD, no signal.

GBPUSD, level 2 long (09:30cet) at 1.7546. Made a high at 1.7576. + 30 pips.

USDCHF, level 2 short (10:30cet) at 1.2907. Made a low at 1.2878. + 29 pips.

Total so far: + 59 pips.
