CatFx50 - page 49


Today was my first time trading the system manually. Very impressive indeed and the alert functions of catfx50 from Muram helps people like me who tends to drift off into something else while in the net waiting for a market setup to happen.

The only problem I have been having is an exit rule/startegy. I understand that this has been talked about earlier in this thread and people have different ways to go about it but I would like to know which one is NINA using?

If NINA has already explain her exit strategy earlier, please excuse me. i have tried to find it but I must have missed it somehow. Could anyone please direct me to that particular post?

By the way Kalenzo, there seem to be a problem with your attached image doesn't seem to be there. Could you please check and re-post the 2 previous images? thanks

Looking forward in testing your EA.



Hi, buddies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today's RECAP (19:00CET): - North Finance -

EURUSD, bought at 1.2064 (08:30CET). Made a high at 1.2142. +78 pips.

USDCHF, sold at 1.2823 (08:30CET). Made a low at 1.2809. +14 pips.

USDCHF, bought at 1,2840 (13:30CET). Made a high at 1.2868. +28 pips.

USDCHF, sold at 1.2829 (17:00CET). Made a low at 1.2756. +73 pips.

GBPUSD, bought at 1.7632 (08:00CET). Made a high at 1.7778. +146 pips.

TOTAL at 19:00CET: +339 pips.

For the week: +1053 pips.

CatFX50, the beauty in action!!





EURUSD needs to break 1.2084 and then hold above 1.2065 if we want it up to 1.2113.

GBPUSD needs to break 1.7725 then it will face level posted long time ago: 1.7757.

USDCHF needs to lose 1.2800 and then hold below 1.2810 if we want it down to 1.2743. If we want it up, it needs to break last high at 1.2889. As long as it does not lose 1.2735 and 1.2700, it is set to go to 1.3034.


Posted at 09:54CET.



Levels to watch:

EURUSD must keep above 1.2003 and 1.1965 if we want it up. While it keeps above those levels, EURUSD is set to go to 1.2302.

USDCHF must keep below 1.3041 and 1.3080. If it does so, next will be 1.2743.

GBPUSD must keep above 1.7459 and 1.7424. If it does so, next big one will be 1.7760.


Those levels were posted on 04-01-06.




Nina do U reverse orders on a opposite signals?


By the way Kalenzo, there seem to be a problem with your attached image doesn't seem to be there. Could you please check and re-post the 2 previous images? thanks

Looking forward in testing your EA.


Well, i've posted them from work - I dont know why they r vanish now... something is wrong after update this forum. I'm going now for a party so - see U tommorow


(I would like to post a new version of CatFX50K - with dont miss trades but after forum upgrade i cannot attach anything to my posts... )

Hi, Kalenzo!!

Are you going to post it?


Today isn't a good day for a trade - mabye it's becouse it's FRIDAY 13'th???

Kalenzo: Faith and Faith!!


Nina do U reverse orders on a opposite signals?


I've written that I play with multi lots. I know that 8/9 out of 10 trades CatFX50 is going to give me 10 pips at least. If I go with 5 lots, that is $500, mate.

I need to feel confident. I need to see if ithere is "conviction" in the market. I have my levels (posted here). So, look at cable today. It was the first to go up. The signal given by CatFX50 was great. It never looked back till it hit level 1.7760. Now, it is exhausted. It needs to have a break. I closed 3 lots at 1.7715 for a +83 pips gain. And let the other 2 opened with stop at 1.7650. Closed another one at 1.7760 for a +128 pips gain.

The last one is still on with stop at 1.7720.

On EURUSD, I bought it at 1.2064 and closed at 1.2074.

On USDCHF, I sold it at 1.2823 and closed at 1.2813. Sold it again at 1.2829 and closed at 1.2775.

Kalenzo, if we reverse orders all our pips could wane. So, that's why I liked what you said about your EA. Now, we should tweak it.

What is important and has been proved is that the entry is great. "Give me an entry, Kalenzo, and I'll make you happy". And remember, we only have a single, naked EMA and an indicator.



Hi Nina,

Would it be possible for you to let us in on how you are doing your research for the price levels? I know you've mentioned fib before, but I don't think I've ever seen any fib markings on your charts. I'm trying to learn as much about fib levels as possible and believe your experience could help us out.

