Laguerre indicator - page 3


i only have this one to share...


This has probably been done elsewhere but I couldn't find it for an EA I'm trying to write, so here's davidwt's LaGuerre as posted above but with moving average added and default settings changed to suit the Imran 5min scalping technique. I also couldn't find the sourcecode for the Laguerre-ACS1.ex4 indicator that Imran uses, so this solves that problem as well . Any issues with it let me know, but it seems to match Imran's perfectly.

This has probably been done elsewhere but I couldn't find it for an EA I'm trying to write, so here's davidwt's LaGuerre as posted above but with moving average added and default settings changed to suit the Imran 5min scalping technique. I also couldn't find the sourcecode for the Laguerre-ACS1.ex4 indicator that Imran uses, so this solves that problem as well . Any issues with it let me know, but it seems to match Imran's perfectly.

Chandra released source (FF):


I came across that a few hours after posting this, typical, I'd been looking for it for ages then when I didn't need it it appeared!


Indicator Modification

I would like to modify 2 Indicators.

- Laguerre

- Momentum

I am not a coder...

I could learn, and I probably will someday, but I'm far too busy right now.

I'm trying to develope a system. If it works, I'll share it.

The modifications to these Indicators would make signal recognition easier,

and it should make coding for an EA easier as well.

If anyone could help modify these Indicators, I would be most greatful,

and they cold possibly be useful to other traders...

Laguerre modification

I would like to show the change in value from the previous bar.

ie, if the Laguerre Indicator was at .90, and dropped to .85 on the next bar.

I think it might be best to show this value as a histogram centered on a 0 (zero) line. Using the example above, the Modified Laguerre would show a RED line of .05 in size below the 0 (zero) line.

minor complication... as this indicator often will show an equal value from one bar to the next (it can sit on 0 or 100 for a time), the next bar should retain the color (direction) of the previous bar if it is equal, with a minimum value (.01).

Momentum modification

similar to the Laguerre...

I hope this makes sense...

Yes, I am new to posting on F-TSD, but I've been reading everything...

I have nothing of value to contibute at this time.

When I do, I most certainly will !!!




Moved to laguerre thread. Post what you want encourages coders to offer help. Otherwise nobody could reply.


MTF Laguerre with some colors and alerts


Thank you fxbs


Scalp M1