The Murrey Math Trading System - page 60


Murrey Math


Tks for your response. I also feel the price for Murrey Math would

be justified as I would really like to get a look & compare it with what we are

doing. You are so correct in saying it will prevent over trading. That is a

very positive aspect for myself. Since early December I have entered 15

trades with 1 loss, 1 closed flat because I was going out of town & decided

not to leave it running & 13 winners all using Murrey Math. For me that is

not too bad. Will also consider paying Murrey's fee in the near future.

Would be very interest to hear you views after you purchase the software.

It is good to speak with a fellow trader who holds the same views as I about

not using set stops. For me only mental stops & its been much better

trading & more profits. Tks again for for your response & views.



xard can this be done?

Hi Xard

I hope you are having a good start to the year.

I have a question if you don't mind. Is it possible to adjust the the length of the lines on the MM 2007 version you have posted so they are the same same length as the coloured period box?

Any help or what to do would be great.





If the MM chart you are using now with MT4 works, why bother buying the software? Just using the vendor software to confirm MT4 MM does not justify it not unles you feel that it may provide better entries or something.


Hi ET,

I agree entirely, there's just no point.

I would still like to see if his levels are the same as ours, but probably doubt whether my curiosity can justify the $4k or whatever it is.

It's unlikley anyone who has the software, and is using it successfully would be in any any kind of outside forum.



Have gone short again on the GBP @ $1.9775

Have gone short on the CAD @ 1.1803 (the sell signal was 1.1780, but I used the old high instead)

Have a sell signal on the CHF @ 1.2512 and have gone short with this also

Still badly behind on the JPY short trade

I won't be able to make any more trades (running out of currencies!) as this endangers my margin and the ability to ride out a bad trade




Hi, cmc!

Could you plese advise what parameters do you use in your indicator from the post 348? I have several MM indicators and they all differ on the charts.

Thank you.

Have gone short again on the GBP @ $1.9775

Have gone short on the CAD @ 1.1803 (the sell signal was 1.1780, but I used the old high instead)

Have a sell signal on the CHF @ 1.2512 and have gone short with this also

Still badly behind on the JPY short trade

I won't be able to make any more trades (running out of currencies!) as this endangers my margin and the ability to ride out a bad trade


Hi Maccavity,

If you copy the version I've posted, that's the version I'm using

Have you downloaded this and get different results to me?



I began playing with MM just yesterday. No clear results yet. I put your MM indicator with P=64 on my 15 min eur/usd charts and I see now that +1/8 sell= 1.3794 and -1/8 buy=1.2573. That's sort of a long way to go in both directions.

Then I put P=3. If you look at the MM2 picture, you'll see the situation of yesterday and I was planning to buy at arod 1.2863.

Today the situation has changed and, if you look at MM4 pic, you'll see that -1/8 level has changed as well and I was not able to buy eur post factum at around 1.2924

So, I wonder, if P can be changed for other parameters for 15 min charts? Would it be right to do so?

Hi Maccavity,

If you copy the version I've posted, that's the version I'm using

Have you downloaded this and get different results to me?

mm2.gif  15 kb
mm4.gif  16 kb

Have exited my short CHF position for 100 pips

This leaves a short JPY,CAD,GBP


re macavity, stick with the 64 periods



Hi cmc,

usdcad's MM levels have shifted, and 1.1841 is now +1/8 MM level. With that gravestone doji appearing on the hourly chart, 1.1841 seems to be a very strong resistance. Your short looks good, as long as prices not to close above the high of that doji @ 1.1850.

usdcad1.gif  9 kb