The Murrey Math Trading System - page 11

Trading MM:
Zoom in and use a very limited timespan on the 5 min chart Edit: But ALWAYS look at a higher timeframe for confirmation

Can you post your MM indicator that has the explanation on the line?

Can you post your MM indicator that has the explanation on the line?

It's in post #87


but that one doesn't update automaticlly, however the indicator in post 101 does (but doesn't have descriptions)


MM Labels on lines

Can you post your MM indicator that has the explanation on the line?

Do you want the short labels such as - 6/8 Reversal Major

or do you want the full label - 6/8 Line Pivot, Reverse (Watch the Close)

Let me know and I will do it for you later today when I get time.


xard, I'm surprised. Your charts used to be so clean, with only murray on them, recently they've become cluttered. Any special reason for the additions?

You've always been a great help by the way.


HI xard777,

How can you make the INFO PANEL in your picture,I very like it.

And the GMMA with MACD indicator was so lovey,CAN you post it here.

and what's the different from ZZ panel and the #00_zz_windows??


I have found the GUppy Macd & Current Price indicator in the other topic:)


Arrows on reversals

Just lost the plot is all...

Hi Xard777

What indicator is putting the arrows on your charts, does it repaint or is it accurate, I have been using a MACD cross signal just to confirm the reversals at MM Lines - by the way I like what you have done to the MACD line colours.


Its super signals v2, and yes it does repaint Enc. indicators that I am currently using...


Just lost the plot is all...

haha, we all do at times. But I'm more into the simple these days

Can someone shed some light on MurreyMath...

can someone post their thinking on this.


enc octave chart

Check your email tomorrow