Forex data converters


MT4 script to convert csv to hst


Metastock-to-csv script

Metastock to csv script for MT4


forex data converters

If you have data in one format and you need to convert it to an other format you may use this very small program. Almost any forex data you may convert to the almost any format.


The same file in English.



Unfortunately, this tool is not working on my machine. I am using Meta Trader 4. I installed it to C:\Programme\Meta Trader 4. The .HST files are in the history folder. But even if i enter the correct paths in step 1 and choose MetaTrader in step 2, it gives me an error message while hitting the convert button.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?




newdigital, maybe you can help me - do you know any tool that converts data to GETdata format (Advanced get)???

Or how does that format look like and what is it's extension?



I checked right now. It works.

It is the program to convert MetaTrader data to ASCII format.

Select the folder from where you will get input data. It is better that you create folder especially for this case and insert to this folder the input data from MetaTrader. Select this path as input path. And you may select the same path as output.

It works.

newdigital, maybe you can help me - do you know any tool that converts data to GETdata format (Advanced get)???

Or how does that format look like and what is it's extension?


I do not know.

If I find it I will post.

But I have no idea for now.

I checked right now. It works.

It is the program to convert MetaTrader data to ASCII format.

Select the folder from where you will get input data. It is better that you create folder especially for this case and insert to this folder the input data from MetaTrader. Select this path as input path. And you may select the same path as output.

It works.

Well, I solved the problem concerning the paths and I succeeded in converting .hst data into .csv data. The problem I face now is that the .csv data is completely errenous. The date, time and price levels are completely messed up. I chose the MetaTrader format and didn't change anything in step 3 to 5. I set my Excel to the American format, i.e. a dot (.) is my decimal seperator.

Do you have any idea what causes this mess? I can send you a csv-file if you would like to have a look.

Which data do you want to have?

For which program?

I found some mt4 scripts in download area here:

I am using MetaTrader as data feed, i.e. I would like to convert .hst files to .csv files in order to import them into Excel.


I did not translate the step 5 in the file.

The separator may be comma, semicolon or space.

Select any.