Forecasting indicators - page 16


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real name indi isft.BarStatLine

see here FOREXTools - BarStatLine

and here Market Diagnostics by Pulse - MQL4 Articles

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Forecasting indicator

Dear all,

I have this wonderful indicator but this indicator is not working as shown in the pic. Can anyone correct it ?

(White Lines in the center , Dark green lines are not showing.)

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Dear poruchik,

This indicator is not showing the white bars within it and the dark green bars which have their on significance. Can you correct that ?



You already got an answer in a PM from me too (yesterday)

The indicator from the first link provided by prouchik (and by me in that PM - the first link, which is the authors site, btw) is working correctly and there is no problem with it whatsoever. Here is how it looks like

But also compare the indicator values with volume values that are displayed on chart. So there is no "forecasting" in that indicator. It is simply showing what is only natural : volumes (number of ticks) in forex are periodical and are time dependent (they depend on opened "sessions")

PS: do not upload decompiled files. I know that there are sites that do not care about it, but posting a renamed and decompiled file and asking "to correct" something that way is hardly something usual at this site.

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best traders to forecast market accurately

who is the best trader or traders you know that forecast market using price and time (like gann),, and enter trades in the top or the bottom,,,,there is also ,alexander goulden,,, from sacred science

On another occasion, December 3, 2009, Dr. Goulden entered a short trade in the Silver market at the exact top, 1946.5, only missing the extreme high of 1949.2 due to the limitations of online order execution speed, but still catching the extreme of the double top on the prior day at 1946.8. His timing was exact almost to the minute that the extreme top was made, the trade executed at 1:38 GMT.

but that technique is not descriped in his book , and his book , is not recommended ,,,

i want to know other traders that have predictive capability in time and price analysis

thanks alot


everyone knows that profit is tremendous if you know whats gonna happen tomorrow.

and no one can predict future, be stock exchange or forex.


Where can I get this indicator?

Where can I get this indicator? It looks Russian in origin.

fxbs, few questions

is the[ black bit ]are the highest probability

how about exit point ?

how about, does it work on 30M and 1H prediction

=== used to have few prediction good enough template, but give up to use those now --- maybe the small volatility in JAN is too boring, so I gave up -- but this prediction research could take 4 months -- for the fellow forum browser -- only 10% can really predict (among those which claim that their indicator could predict)

is there any indicator that forecast the price movement similliar like this one????

any advice will be appriciate...




some are dashboard alike indicator -- that could change color in a matter of seconds

some are RSI , but when it told you,unless the trend will continue for ages, it might be too late for today

another one look like pivot


forecasting got few school of thoughts

one is datamining alike that predict the area that it will be touched -- could have different color

another one is probability alike to tell in diff time frame, up % and down %


there might be sophisticated MA alike, but you have to tune it and bet in the critical angle or price line

=== it takes some time to collect and try out different group of indicators

short term like M5 indicator - those are too risky for you to try


someone did ask for forecasting indicator

here , I enclosed the instruction manual, but no indicators there

this one predict the region that it would be hit by highlight the region with various shade of red to indicate probability