Changing Refresh Timer from 15.6ms to 1ms - page 2

Alain Verleyen:
Could you post the code that produces this output ?

A little rough around the edges, but good enough to notice the timer wasn't dropping to anywhere close to the 1ms mark.

#import "winmm.dll"
int timeBeginPeriod(uint per);
int timeEndPeriod  (uint per);

int   cnt        = 0;
ulong cumulative = 0;
ulong last_time  = 0;

int OnInit()
   last_time = GetMicrosecondCount();

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

void OnTimer()
   ulong time_now = GetMicrosecondCount();
   cumulative += (time_now-last_time);
   last_time = time_now;
      printf("Average delay: %iμs",cumulative/cnt);
      cumulative = 0;
      cnt = 0;


Alain Verleyen:
And what is the external tool you used ?

Quite insightful. For example, playing a YouTube video in Chrome drops it to 0.5ms 

Windows System Timer Tool
Windows System Timer Tool
Little tool to check and modify the windows system timer. The matter is in my opinion less dramatic as the author of the article states, but he has written down a comprehensive collection of facts about the windows timer. Excellent article! Verison 3...

A little rough around the edges, but good enough to notice the timer wasn't dropping to anywhere close to the 1ms mark.

#import "winmm.dll"
int timeBeginPeriod(uint per);
int timeEndPeriod  (uint per);

int   cnt        = 0;
ulong cumulative = 0;
ulong last_time  = 0;

int OnInit()
   last_time = GetMicrosecondCount();

void OnDeinit(const int reason)

void OnTimer()
   ulong time_now = GetMicrosecondCount();
   cumulative += (time_now-last_time);
   last_time = time_now;
      printf("Average delay: %iμs",cumulative/cnt);
      cumulative = 0;
      cnt = 0;

Quite insightful. For example, playing a YouTube video in Chrome drops it to 0.5ms 

I tested on MT5 and got same behaviour. No way to go below 15 ms.

And I noticed Firefox is also dropping the timer to 1ms or 0.5 ms.
Alain Verleyen:
I tested on MT5 and got same behaviour. No way to go below 15 ms.

And I noticed Firefox is also dropping the timer to 1ms or 0.5 ms.

It does seem that adjusting the system timer will affect Sleep()

#property strict

#import "winmm.dll"
int timeBeginPeriod(uint per);
int timeEndPeriod(uint per);

void OnStart()
   printf("Average delay without winmm: %iμs",GetDelay());
   printf("Average delay with winmm: %iμs",GetDelay());

ulong GetDelay()
   ulong cumulative = 0;
   ulong last_time  = GetMicrosecondCount();
   for(int i=0; i<1000; i++)  
      ulong time_now = GetMicrosecondCount();
      cumulative += (time_now-last_time);
      last_time = time_now;

Average delay with winmm: 2000μs

Average delay without winmm: 13040μs


I have been using wPeriodMin and Sleep to slow down the tester when the speed is set to 32.


//|                                                        Timer.mq4 |
//|                                                  Copyright 2016, |
//|                                                         https:// |
#property copyright "Copyright 2016,"
#property link      "https://"
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

struct timecaps_tag {
  uint wPeriodMin;
  uint wPeriodMax;
#import "kernel32.dll"
   void Sleep(int);
#import "winmm.dll"
int timeGetDevCaps(timecaps_tag&,uint);
int timeBeginPeriod(uint);
int timeEndPeriod(uint);

input bool winmm=true;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
//--- create timer
timecaps_tag t;

Print(t.wPeriodMin," ",t.wPeriodMax);

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
   Comment("bars per second: "+(string)BarsPerSec());
uint BarsPerSec()
   static uint tickcount=GetTickCount();
   static uint barsnumber=Bars;
   static uint bps;
   return bps;

 winmm: true (so the Sleep can be 1ms instead of 16 ms) gives more bars per second.


Average delay with winmm: 2000μs

It looks to me as though this is both a hardware limitation and a Window limitation. Nothing other than a processor-melting infinite loop looks capable of delivering an accurate 1-millisecond wait.

The following code manages, on my computer, to deliver an average wait of about 1030μs at the cost of sometimes waiting as little as 900μs. Results may vary on other computers, or under heavy O/S load.

#property strict

#import "kernel32.dll"
   int CreateEventW(int,int,int,int);
   int ResetEvent(int);
   int WaitForSingleObject(int, int);
   int CloseHandle(int);

#import "Winmm.dll"
   int timeSetEvent(int, int, int, int, int);
   int timeKillEvent(int);

#import "user32.dll"
   int PostMessageA(int hWnd,int Msg,int wParam,int lParam);
   int RegisterWindowMessageW(string lpString);

// Allow waits of e.g. as little as 900 microseconds
input uint   ErrorToleranceMicroseconds = 100;

int glbEvent = 0;
int glbTimer = 0;

int OnInit()
   glbEvent = CreateEventW(0, 0, 0, 0);
   if (!glbEvent) {
      Print("Event creation failed");
      return 1;
   } else {
      glbTimer = timeSetEvent(1, 0, glbEvent, 0, 0x0021);
      if (!glbTimer) {
         Print("Timer creation failed");
         return 2;
      } else {
         return 0;      

void OnDeinit(const int reason)
   if (glbEvent) CloseHandle(glbEvent);
   if (glbTimer) timeKillEvent(glbTimer);

void OnTick()
   ulong total = 0;
   ulong samples = 0;
   ulong max = 0, min = 999999;
   while (!IsStopped()) {
      ulong msc = GetMicrosecondCount();
      while (GetMicrosecondCount() - msc < (1000 - ErrorToleranceMicroseconds)) {
         WaitForSingleObject(glbEvent, 1);
      // Collect wait statistics
      ulong now = GetMicrosecondCount();
      ulong wait = now - msc;
      total += wait;
      if (max < wait) max = wait;
      if (min > wait) min = wait;

   Print("Waits (microseconds), avg: ", total / samples, ", max: " , max, ", min: " , min);

// Force the EA to start even when there are no real ticks
void SendTickToSelf()
   int hwnd = WindowHandle(Symbol(), Period());
   int msg = RegisterWindowMessageW("MetaTrader4_Internal_Message");
   PostMessageA(hwnd, msg, 2, 1);


The following code [...]

... more generally, if the aim is to run in the tightest possible loop, while still yielding time to other threads and not maxing out a processor core, then the above technique and WaitForSingleObject() looks more efficient than anything using Sleep(). Average yield/wait is less than 1 millisecond on my computer.

   while (!IsStopped()) {
      // Yield to other threads, but with absolute minimum delay
      WaitForSingleObject(glbEvent, 1);

Nicely done.

On mine: Waits (microseconds), avg: 1169, max: 32585, min: 900

Laszlo Tormasi:

I have been using wPeriodMin and Sleep to slow down the tester when the speed is set to 32.

Also nicely done. I haven't used the tester for a long time, but the non-linear speed increases used to drive me mad. My solution at the time was not so elegant.

The following code [...]

For the record, to be reliable it turns out that the above code also requires a call to timeBeginPeriod(1), as in the other examples above. I hadn't noticed that because I'm using Chrome which does its own call to timeBeginPeriod.