Indicators: Harmonic Pattern Finder V2 - page 10

Cristian Eriksson:

I can't tell you how much I appreciate this, and I also love that you've taken the creators measurements and not somebody else,awesome job, thanks a lot!

Some questions regarding a next version..

Would it be easy for you to make so that a projection only shows up when the move has reached 50% to the d-completion point? The reason for this is to not have the screen cluttered with projections, even tough I only go with the Scott Carney patterns. .

And secondly, would it require loads of extra work to, i.e at the shark-pattern to make the software favor points where the completion point is where the A-B and X-0 projection meets up instead of just starting at .886 and just follow the price all the way up to 1.13?

Thanks for the nice feedback.

Hiding projections based on a 50% move rate criteria should not be hard. It can be accomplished with a simple hack into the code, à la "if (moverate > 50) draw projection else ignore".

The shark pattern is in a unique position among the patterns of Scott Carney, being the only one (except the unrevised/original butterfly) which has a range in the XA to AD ratio, or the 0X to XC to be precise with the labels. All other patterns have a singular number there which provides a centerpoint and more exact determination of the PRZ.

Making the indicator favor points with the "meeting up" of the projections is also kind of easy - but at the same time hard. The simplest approach would be to split the pattern up into 3 disjoint ones, each one defined with an 0X to XC ratio of 0.886, 1.0, and 1.13 respectively, replacing the current Shark which has an 0X to XC of 0.886 - 1.13.

The issue with this simple modification is that it may lead to circumstances, say where the ratios are met in the following order:

  1. AB to BC at 1.61
  2. 0X to XC at 0.886
  3. 0X to XC at 1.0
  4. AB to BC at 2.24
  5. 0X to XC at 1.13
In a sense we would have two valid sharks here; one with the XC ratio at 0.886 and the second one at 1.0. The third one would be invalid because the XC projection is met only after reaching the end of the BC. Which one to execute is up to the trader, but adding code which made the first pattern hide the second, or oppositely, could be quite complex yes.

Hello , can't make it work im on mt5 from 2 years now can't make this indicator work i hope you can help me thanks.

new member this helps me

it says array out of range in 'HarmonicPatternFinderV2.mq5' (352,4)

if you could help me id appreciate it