Indicator plots in separate window


I've written a large number of indicators and they are fairly robust. I have always followed a pattern to display all but one of the buffers in the main chart window and reserving 1 buffer not to plot but to store measures that are calculated for and retrieved by a given EA. These measures aren't prices and would not look good if applied to a chart.

This has worked well for me until now. I have a need to put an indicator in a separate window and even though I set the indicator_style property to DRAW_NONE - the indicator still draws the buffer. Since all of my values are either near 0 or greater than 100, I get an indicator that basically shows a solid line down the middle.

 I've tried using the indicator_plots property = indicator_buffers-1, I've tried to set SetIndexDrawBegin(2,0) - but, nothing seems to work and I have not been able to find a workaround anywhere. Worst case, I'll have to put the indicator code into my EA - but, wow.

Does anyone know of a way of having a separate window indicator not draw a plot?


I've written a large number of indicators and they are fairly robust. I have always followed a pattern to display all but one of the buffers in the main chart window and reserving 1 buffer not to plot but to store measures that are calculated for and retrieved by a given EA. These measures aren't prices and would not look good if applied to a chart.

This has worked well for me until now. I have a need to put an indicator in a separate window and even though I set the indicator_style property to DRAW_NONE - the indicator still draws the buffer. Since all of my values are either near 0 or greater than 100, I get an indicator that basically shows a solid line down the middle.

 I've tried using the indicator_plots property = indicator_buffers-1, I've tried to set SetIndexDrawBegin(2,0) - but, nothing seems to work and I have not been able to find a workaround anywhere. Worst case, I'll have to put the indicator code into my EA - but, wow.

Does anyone know of a way of having a separate window indicator not draw a plot?

If set to DRAW_NONE it should not draw anything. Please show the relevant code.


If set to DRAW_NONE it should not draw anything. Please show the relevant code.

//|                                                  pipMA-ST-v1.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2014, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_plots   2

//--- plot indPipValue
#property indicator_label1  "indPipValue"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrSeaGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot indTLine
#property indicator_label2  "indTLine"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrGoldenrod
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- plot indPLine
#property indicator_label3  "indData"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_NONE

#include <std_utility.mqh>

#define   dataMeasures    15
#define   dataTLine        0  //--- current trend line value
#define   dataFOCCur       1  //--- current factor of change
#define   dataFOCMin       2  //--- absolute retrace factor of change
#define   dataFOCMax       3  //--- highest factor of change this direction
#define   dataFOCDev       4  //--- current factor of change deviation
#define   dataFOCDir       5  //--- current direction from last deviation
#define   dataFOCTrend     6  //--- overall trend (based on FOC max)
#define   dataRngSize      7  //--- pip history range
#define   dataRngLow       8  //--- pip history range low
#define   dataRngMid       9  //--- pip history range bisector
#define   dataRngHigh     10  //--- pip history range high
#define   dataRngStr      11  //--- range strength based on composite range directions
#define   dataRngLowDir   12  //--- direction of low range
#define   dataRngMidDir   13  //--- direction of range bisector
#define   dataRngHighDir  14  //--- direction of range high

//--- input parameters
input int inpPeriod=200;  //--- pip MA range

//--- indicator buffers
double    indPipBuffer[];
double    indTLineBuffer[];
double    indDataBuffer[];

//--- operational variables
double    data[dataMeasures];

double    pipHistory[5000];
int       pipIndex = inpPeriod;

//| pipChange - manages pip history                                  |
bool pipChange()
    int idx=pipIndex;

    if (fabs(pip(pipHistory[pipIndex]-Close[0]))>=1.0)
      if (pipIndex == 0)
        for (pipIndex=inpPeriod-1; pipIndex>0; pipIndex--)

      while (idx<inpPeriod)


//| pipChange - manages pip history                                  |
void CalculateTLineRegression()
    //--- Linear regression line
    double m[5] = {0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00};  //--- slope
    double b    = 0.00;                        //--- y-intercept
    double sumx = 0.00;
    double sumy = 0.00;
    for (int idx=0; idx<inpPeriod; idx++)
      sumx += idx+1;
      sumy += pipHistory[idx];
      m[1] += (idx+1)*pipHistory[idx];
      m[3] += pow(idx+1,2);
    m[1]   *= inpPeriod;
    m[2]    = sumx*sumy;
    m[3]   *= inpPeriod;
    m[4]    = pow(sumx,2);
    m[0]    = (m[1]-m[2])/(m[3]-m[4]);
    b       = (sumy - m[0]*sumx)/inpPeriod;
    for (int idx=0; idx<inpPeriod; idx++)
      //--- y=mx+b
      indTLineBuffer[inpPeriod-idx-1] = (m[0]*(inpPeriod-idx-1))+b;

//| CalculateMeasures - calculates pipMA metrics and loads buffer    |
void CalculateMeasures()
    double dataLast[dataMeasures];
    //--- range metrics
    data[dataRngLow]    = pipHistory[0];
    data[dataRngHigh]   = pipHistory[0];
    for (int idx=0; idx<inpPeriod; idx++)
      data[dataRngLow]  = fmin(data[dataRngLow],pipHistory[idx]);
      data[dataRngHigh] = fmax(data[dataRngHigh],pipHistory[idx]);

    data[dataRngSize]   = pip(data[dataRngHigh] - data[dataRngLow]);
    data[dataRngMid]    = (data[dataRngHigh] + data[dataRngLow]) / 2;

    if (dataLast[dataRngLow]!=data[dataRngLow])
      data[dataRngLowDir]   = dir(data[dataRngLow]-dataLast[dataRngLow]);

    if (dataLast[dataRngMid]!=data[dataRngMid])
      data[dataRngMidDir]   = dir(data[dataRngMid]-dataLast[dataRngMid]);

    if (dataLast[dataRngHigh]!=data[dataRngHigh])
      data[dataRngHighDir]  = dir(data[dataRngHigh]-dataLast[dataRngHigh]);
    data[dataRngStr]    = data[dataRngLowDir]+data[dataRngMidDir]+data[dataRngHighDir];

    if (fabs(data[dataRngStr])>2)
      data[dataRngStr]  = 2*dir(data[dataRngStr]);
    for (int idx=0; idx<dataMeasures; idx++)
      indDataBuffer[idx]= data[idx];
    //--- factor of change metrics
    data[dataFOCCur]    = (atan(pip(indTLineBuffer[0]-indTLineBuffer[inpPeriod-1])/inpPeriod)*180)/M_PI;
    data[dataTLine]     = (indTLineBuffer[0]);
    if (dir(data[dataFOCCur]) == data[dataFOCTrend])
    Print("in the area: "+NormalizeDouble(data[dataFOCCur],1)+":"+NormalizeDouble(data[dataFOCMax],1));
      if (NormalizeDouble(data[dataFOCCur],1) == NormalizeDouble(data[dataFOCMax],1))
        data[dataFOCMin]= 0.00;
      if (data[dataFOCMin]  == 0.00)
        data[dataFOCMin]= fabs(data[dataFOCCur]);
        data[dataFOCMin]= fmin(fabs(data[dataFOCCur]),fabs(data[dataFOCMin]));

      data[dataFOCMax]  = fmax(fabs(data[dataFOCCur]),fabs(data[dataFOCMax]))*data[dataFOCTrend];
      data[dataFOCMin]  = 0.00;
      data[dataFOCMax]  = data[dataFOCCur];

    data[dataFOCDev]    = fabs(fabs(data[dataFOCMax]-data[dataFOCCur]));
    data[dataFOCTrend]  = dir(data[dataFOCMax]);
    if (data[dataFOCDev]!= dataLast[dataFOCDev])
      data[dataFOCDir]  = dir(dataLast[dataFOCDev]-data[dataFOCDev])*data[dataFOCTrend];
//| CalculateMeasures - calculates pipMA metrics and loads buffer    |
void RefreshScreen()
    if (pipIndex == 0)

      UpdateLabel("lrFOCCur","Initializing "+DoubleToStr(((inpPeriod-pipIndex)/inpPeriod)*100,1)+"%");


//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
    if (pipChange())
      if (pipIndex == 0)
    //--- return value of prev_calculated for next call

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
    //--- indicator buffers mapping
    SetIndexEmptyValue(0, 0.00);
    SetIndexEmptyValue(1, 0.00);
    SetIndexEmptyValue(2, 0.00);
    ArrayInitialize(indPipBuffer,    0.00);
    ArrayInitialize(indTLineBuffer,  0.00);
    ArrayInitialize(indDataBuffer,   0.00);

    ArrayInitialize(pipHistory,      0.00);

You are using statement that doesn't work with mql4. Try this :

#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2

//--- plot indPipValue
#property indicator_label1  "indPipValue"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrSeaGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1

//--- plot indTLine
#property indicator_label2  "indTLine"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrGoldenrod
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1

//--- plot indPLine
#property indicator_label3  "indData"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_NONE

and add this line at the top of OnInit()

wow, magic! Thanks a bunch!
wow, magic! Thanks a bunch!
You are welcome.

Hi mate!

Sorry for asking, but, could be possible you share your std_utility.mqh file?

Thanks in advance