Dennis Jorgenson
Dennis Jorgenson
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6+ years
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Dennis Jorgenson
Added topic MQL5: Using custom indicator in strategy tester to debug an EA.
I'm finally making a serious attempt to convert my MQL4 codebase  to MQL5. First, I'd like to mention this: what a freakin' nightmare this conversion is. That said, after a brutal 3 day effort to convert one of my primary indicators to MQL5 - I
Dennis Jorgenson
Added topic Best Practices for json Implementation
I have fiddled about looking for design concepts to implement visuals of the data collection, aggregation, et al (pics below). As much as I love the MT4/5 platform, visuals are not its strong point. First, real estate is expensive; Second, I/O
Dennis Jorgenson
Added topic Share Class data from EA with [to] an Indicator
So I have a Class Object (TickMA) that aggregates tick data in proprietary fashion. The class object is instantiated and updated from my EA. Problem: I want to visually present data contained in the EA Class to an separate window indicator. Looking
Dennis Jorgenson
Added topic OOP Conundrum
Hi everyone - So, my MQL4 days are slowly coming to an end. My broker has implemented MQL5 and now, the conversion from 4->5 begins. When I started MQL4, I was an OOP noob and in some respects, I still am. Building OOP classes has certainly paid
Dennis Jorgenson
Added topic Urgent - Array exception on Close[0]
Don't know if it's my broker, but, this should not be possible. I am getting an array out of range exception when attempting to access Close[0] - Don't mind the issue per se, but, the lack of ability to trap the exception so that the EA doesn't crash
Dennis Jorgenson
Added topic MQL4 Debugger using history
Anyone know how to use this functionality
Dennis Jorgenson
Added topic Constants in Classes
Hi all, Having a bit of trouble with the OOP implementation - I will say this first, I am a noob when it comes to OOP. I want to define the following array as a global constant: private :      static const double FibonacciLevels[
Dennis Jorgenson
Added topic Indicator plots in separate window
I've written a large number of indicators and they are fairly robust. I have always followed a pattern to display all but one of the buffers in the main chart window and reserving 1 buffer not to plot but to store measures that are calculated for and
Dennis Jorgenson
Added topic 6th Degree Poly Help!
Let me introduce myself. I'm a database architect (as opposed to a mathematician) with very strong programming skills in all things database (sql, t-SQL, PL/SQL) and have enough skill in non-database languages (C,C++,C#, VB/VBA) to make do. I worked
Dennis Jorgenson
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