MetaTrader 4 Build 600 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 56

I restored system but it did not removed

Profiles (Build 600)

Rearranged the Pair order and saved the Profile to the same name

The overwritten Profile does not reflect the rearranged Pair order.

pleas show this steps with picture
In the older versions of MT4 I used to copy the whole MT4 directory and create a new instance of MT4 so that I could have 2 or more MT4 terminals. I haven't tried to do this with the new version but does anyone know if you can still do this as I know the data folder is located in a different location?
In the older versions of MT4 I used to copy the whole MT4 directory and create a new instance of MT4 so that I could have 2 or more MT4 terminals. I haven't tried to do this with the new version but does anyone know if you can still do this as I know the data folder is located in a different location?
Probably not. Let us know when you have tried it.

Really ? I must have got that wrong then too !! The docs describes how the terminal data folder is created during the install based on whether or not UAC is enabled and disabled, it doesnt say that check is made every time MT4 is launched and it doesnt say MT4 will revert to using the Program Files installation folder as the data folder when ever it can !! That is not good practice and contradicts MS documentaion. Applications should never try to write to files in protected locations anymore. That is a basic premise of post Vista Windows.

It also means if a user disables UAC for administrative reasons unrelated to MT4 for a period then turns UAC back on later, MT4 EA's could lose files they saved in the other location. Chart history could be saved in two locations. log files could be split between two locations, the same problem everyone had with UAC virtualization in pre 600 builds. Did you have to reboot Windows when you turned UAC off in local policies ? Did MT4 know how to find its custom indicators and EA's when they were previously in the appdata Data folder while UAC was turned on ?

Yes, if you completly turn off the UAC you need to reboot the windows. And when you start the MT4 after the reboot you will very quicly realise all your appdata folder located custom indi/EA gone. Because the MT4 is not checking the appdata folder anymore. I tried this with build 604. I didn't check w b610 yet
In the older versions of MT4 I used to copy the whole MT4 directory and create a new instance of MT4 so that I could have 2 or more MT4 terminals. I haven't tried to do this with the new version but does anyone know if you can still do this as I know the data folder is located in a different location?

If you duplicate the whole MT4 bin directory (where the terminal.exe is located) it won't duplicate the data folder. If your start the duplicated MT4 terminal it will create a new and nearly empty data folder like after install.
After that you have to copy all indis/EAs from the old data folder to the new data folder.


If you duplicate the whole MT4 bin directory (where the terminal.exe is located) it won't duplicate the data folder. If your start the duplicated MT4 terminal it will create a new and nearly empty data folder like after install.
After that you have to copy all indis/EAs from the old data folder to the new data folder.

Thanks for that information Jade. I have just tried this and it works just the way you said. It only takes a few seconds to copy over the data folder from the original version so that is not a great problem.

Many thanks.

New updated mql4 is trashy and absuring.Remove it.The codes does'nt work correctly.
New updated mql4 is trashy and absuring.Remove it.The codes does'nt work correctly.
Thank you for your constructive post. What doesn't work actually ?