MetaTrader 4 Build 600 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 65


Problem was reproduced.

Support Team 2014.03.21 14:39


We have checked your issue. After press F7 opened files saved and not compiled. Only current file compiled.

That is what Support Team said. Hmm...


Problem with Marginrequired.

I try to get marginrequired in two mods.

In first mode (MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MARGINREQUIRED)) I get 500 for every symbol

In secound mode (SymbolInfoDouble(symbol,SYMBOL_MARGIN_LONG)) I get 0 for every symbol.


Problem with Marginrequired.

I try to get marginrequired in two mods.

In first mode (MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MARGINREQUIRED)) I get 500 for every symbol

In secound mode (SymbolInfoDouble(symbol,SYMBOL_MARGIN_LONG)) I get 0 for every symbol.

Even though like below? (Tested on MT4 built 625)




Yes.I tested in build 616 and problem exist. I wait for build 625..

This is my code.

void OnStart()
   string sym = "" ; 
   int total = SymbolsTotal(true);
   for(int i=0;i<total;i++)
      sym = SymbolName(i,true) ;
      Print(sym," | (MI) MarginRequired:  ",MarketInfo(sym,MODE_MARGINREQUIRED)) ;
      Print(sym," | (MI) Lotsize:         ",MarketInfo(sym,MODE_LOTSIZE)) ;  
      Print(sym," | (SiD) MarginRequired:  ",SymbolInfoDouble(sym,SYMBOL_MARGIN_LONG)) ;

Yes.I tested in build 616 (last official build) and problem exist.

This is my code.

You have never tried it on another broker? You have to try on another broker and confirm it.

I use on InstaForex and


returns different value for different pair.



does returns 0 for every pair tested.

The error returns

4051 = Invalid function parameter value



Error it's from the broker.

I try on two brokers : FXCM demo and MetaQuotes server. On FXCM I have same problem in build 616 and 625. On MetaQuotes server works fine.

Later edit:

Why I get 4051 error on same function call? (SymbolInfoDouble(),ChartSetInteger(),..)


I see. Thank you. Of course we would get the latest when it is out for public. XD

Actually there is this bug where when you open multiple file in MetaEditor,

you have done edits to this particular file, and you want to compile it.

Before that you have done edits to other files as well, not yet compiled though.

Things get interesting after you press F7.

You thought you have compiled the current file of the current tab (only).

Wrong! Turns out all the other files have been compiled too. More interestingly, pressing Ctrl+F7 does the same thing.

Only the output on the errors tab are different.

F7 - single output for current open file tab

Ctrl+F7 - output for all other files including the current file tab.

Can anyone confirm which MetaEditor build has this bug taken care of?

Thank you.

Tested on MetaEditor build 914, and yet the bug existed. Maybe I am just a person who isn't worth's developers time to look into as others don't complain the same thing or they just don't realized what actually had happened.

I am Cool

Please read the first post, point 3. You have to use the Open data folder in File menu, to get the right folder to place your EA. Once you get the explorer window, use MQL4 then Experts folder.

I have put mq4 at Experts folder at MQL4. But the EA nothing showed up.


I have put mq4 at Experts folder at MQL4. But the EA nothing showed up.

restart the terminal

ReCoded to reflect the current terminal built 610.

Yeah ... yeah ... I know I should not spoon-feeding here but was tempted to actually. :D

don't really work. the result is still in the tenth of thousand with gibberish numbers. I really don't understand what is the error. Can somebody point it out, please (refer to my original post)??

I've also encounter another issue with division in my new EA. when I divide some numbers with 100, the result comes out zero (0). when I change it to multiply with 0.01 (as alternative to divide by 100), then the result come out ok. Can't really figure out what's is happening with this new built MT4.

Is there any specific new rules now to do simple mathematical calculation with the new version of MT4?? now I'm on MT4 built 610. Can somebody point out where can I find the library for MT4 built 600++???
