Swap calculation not consistent with what MT4 Order Windows shows? - page 2


hey, it's a sell

you have to check SWAPSHORT


hey, it's a sell

you have to check SWAPSHORT

oops, mistake will typing, I edited my post and put SWAP_SHORT (value is well 22.69 for swap short).

the problem remains... any formula ?

on wednesdays the swap is tripled
on wednesdays the swap is tripled

Correct ! and it works now. I'll look for documentation about this particularity... many thanks for help on this matter

I'll look for documentation about this particularity...

there is no documentation about this

it's related to the broker

yes it seems this is the swap for weekends applied on wednesday

that's right

one thing to bear in mind

it's not always on wednesday

and it's not always tripled it can be more