David Saulnier
David Saulnier
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11+ years
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Independent Developer at Paris
David Saulnier
Added topic Belkhayate Moving Average
Hello, Anybody knows where I can find a "Belkhayate Moving Average " indicator for metatrader (if any exists) ? Any format is ok source code or compiled (MQL4/5 or EX4/5) This indicator is explain on this video
David Saulnier
Added topic MT4 Build 711 - Issues, crashs...
Each time I recompile my EA (and it is used in some charts), MT4 crash and close SYSTEMATICALLY. Same problem when launching debug, the debug chart open, then crash... ==> It was working perfectly with previous build 6xx Very desappointing release
David Saulnier
Added topic MT4 Build 625 - Various issues
Did someone notice the following problems: ? - While debugging sometimes two terminals (or more) are launched, especially when the first one seems to be busy - Profiler does not display any tab, nothing happen while using it. - Button "ALL"
David Saulnier
Added topic MetaEditor Profiling - How does it work?
This option of the MetaEditor / debugger (build 604 or >) is very interesting. I cannot find any documentation. How can I get results
David Saulnier
Added topic SymbolInfoString => SYMBOL_PATH returns nothing
Alert ( SymbolInfoString ( "EURUSD" , SYMBOL_PATH )); I expected this return "MajorFX" folder but it returns a blank string. Same for all symbols
David Saulnier
Added topic [FIXED] Build 604 - major issue with a string containing a single space " " and wininet.dll unicode W import
Don't know if someone got this: Alert ( "aaaaa " + Symbol ()+ " bbbbb " + " " + " ddddd" ); " " space is displayed by a "F" instead of the space itself. Same issue when using string concatenation and a single space between quote
David Saulnier
Added topic FileReadString in binary file problem ? [FIXED]
   string cfgFilename = "myfile.cfg" ; string page = "";    int h = FileOpen (cfgFilename, FILE_READ | FILE_BIN );    if (h < 1 )    {          Alert ( "[ERROR] " +
David Saulnier
Added topic MarketInfo: MODE_EXPIRATION always returns 0 on a CFD symbol
double expiration = MarketInfo ( "#NQH4" , MODE_EXPIRATION ); expiration is always == 0 any idea to fix this ? or do you think this is a problem from broker transmitting info to MT4? thanks for help
David Saulnier
Added topic How to Re-Calculate OrderProfit ?
Hi, I know the question has been asked few times but I cannot get the same amount as OrderProfit() by doing this (when this is a profitable position > 0) profit = MathAbs(price - OrderOpenPrice ()) * OrderLots () * MarketInfo ( Symbol ()
David Saulnier
Added topic Error 133 : ERR_TRADE_DISABLED
After an OrderSend, Error 133 may ALSO happens when a symbol is not allowed for some calendar reason. Example XAUUSD trading is forbidden during Independence Day Holiday (July 4th)... Is there any function to anticipate this error like
David Saulnier
Hello, Is it possible to know via a function like MarketInfo or another method the maximum of possible orders before getting the ERR_TRADE_TOO_MANY_ORDERS occurs? Of course I can count the number of opened positions when the error occurs but I'm
David Saulnier
Added topic EX4 files automatically deleted when launching MT4 Terminal !!!
Hi, I've an horrible problem that suddenly happened this morning and I can't fix it: When I launch the MT4 terminal all my .ex4 EA files are automatically deleted. Of course, if I shut-down the terminal and just compile from MetaEditor, everything is
David Saulnier
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