Exporting pivot point to excel


Hello friend,

My English is not very good but I will try. I need to export the pivot point to excel CSV. Someone can help me?





You can write to a log file but I don't know how it's done technically I'm afraid, hopefully one of the others here will help.

The question is, do you really want to know what the pivots are in MT4 anyway?  I've found that when you calculate them using internal price data they are not in the same place as the official pivots and so have struggled to find a use for them.  Maybe that's something else others here have a view on too.

dhylon :

Hello friend,

My English is not very good but I will try. I need to export the pivot point to excel CSV. Someone can help me?




What is a pivot point ? Is it an indicator?
Trevhib :

Você pode gravar em um arquivo de log, mas eu não sei como é feito tecnicamente eu estou com medo, espero que um dos outros aqui vai ajudar.

A questão é: você realmente quer saber o que os pivôs estão na MT4, afinal? Descobri que quando você calculá-los usando os dados dos preços internos que não estão no mesmo lugar que os pivôs oficiais e por isso têm lutado para encontrar um uso para eles. Talvez isso seja algo mais outros aqui têm uma visão em demasiado.

How are you Trevhib,

For you understand why I want to export the pivot point from MT4 to excel, because I am doing a study about strategies with pivot point. The prices is easy to export the problem is the pivot. If a good programer help us creating a script will be great. To do it is manually (one in one) is very very difficult. I have more 2 thousand prices of day here to backtest. A script or indicator would do very fast the work.

Please someone can help.


Thank you for an information. The formula of such indicator is very simple and I think there will not any problems for me to do it ....


No worries. As noted though, you could write an indicator/script and export the figures but you'll be calculating and exporting your broker's version of the pivots, which as far as I have seen, always seem to come out at different levels to the official market pivot points. This means you are looking at levels that may not mean anything.

Mind you, I am talking from a FTSE perspective. You may do better with FX instruments, seeing as they are 24hr markets and so the open, high, low and close should be more accurate.

dhylon :

How are you Trevhib,

For you understand why I want to export the pivot point from MT4 to excel, because I am doing a study about strategies with pivot point. The prices is easy to export the problem is the pivot. If a good programer help us creating a script will be great. To do it is manually (one in one) is very very difficult. I have more 2 thousand prices of day here to backtest. A script or indicator would do very fast the work.

Please someone can help.

you asked for help ?

then where is your code ?

Boeing747 :

Obrigado por uma informação. A fórmula desse indicador é muito simples e eu acho que não haverá problemas para me para fazê-lo ....

Hi Boeing747

If can help me

Thank you very much

I am using this indicator for pivot point

deVries :

you asked for help ?

then where is your code ?

Ok, I am using this one here
dhylon :

Ok, I am using this one here

that is ex4 file if you want values from ex4 file

then it can be you find the values you needed from this indicator with iCustom

if there are no buffervalues inside your ex4 indicator then you have to find the values from the objects it creates on your chart

So what is needed in this case ??