Load history to table/array


I want to load data history to table/array but I don't know how to do. Can you help me, and explain each step of program ? I'm an amatteur. 

Others, I want to get result in Alert tipps for verifying date and closed price . Thanks.


I want to load data history to table/array but I don't know how to do. Can you help me, and explain each step of program ? I'm an amatteur. 

Others, I want to get result in Alert tipps for verifying date and closed price . Thanks.

Have you tried using ArrayCopyRates() ?
Davidafx: I want to load data history to table/array but I don't know how to do.
  1. If you're asking about your own array, look at https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/138127
  2. RaptorUK: Have you tried using ArrayCopyRates() ?
    Such as:
    #define ACR_TIME     0  // Array Copy Rates
    #define ACR_OPEN     1
    #define ACR_LOW      2
    #define ACR_HIGH     3
    #define ACR_CLOSE    4
    #define ACR_VOLUME   5
        #define ACR_COUNT   6
    double  acr.arr[][ACR_COUNT];
    int init(){
            // https://forum.mql4.com/36470/page2 says ArrayCopyRates is a non-
            // reentrant, non-thread-safe call. Therefor you must put a mutex around
            // the call in case of multiple EAs on multiple charts. Alteratively,
            // since init() is single threaded across all charts, put all ACRs there
            ArrayCopyRates(acr.arr, chart.symbol, Period());        // I'm in Init.
    int      GetBars(){                 return( ArrayRange  (acr.arr, 0   ) );  }
    int      iGetShift(datetime tm){                #define iCB 0   // Current Bar
        int iLimit = GetBars();                     #define iPB 1   // Previous Bar
        for (int iTm=iCB; iTm < iLimit; iTm++)  if (GetTime(iTm) <= tm) return(iTm);
    double   GetVal(            int eACR, int iBar=iCB){ return( acr.arr[iBar][eACR] ); }
    datetime GetTime(  int iBar=iCB){       return( GetVal(   ACR_TIME,   iBar) ); }
    //double GetOpen(  int iBar=iCB){       return( GetVal(   ACR_OPEN,   iBar) ); }
    double   GetHigh(  int iBar=iCB){       return( GetVal(   ACR_HIGH,   iBar) ); }
    double   GetLow(   int iBar=iCB){       return( GetVal(   ACR_LOW,    iBar) ); }
    double   GetClose( int iBar=iCB){       return( GetVal(   ACR_CLOSE,  iBar) ); }
    //double GetVolume(int iBar=iCB){       return( GetVal(   ACR_VOLUME, iBar) ); }