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Added topic How many cycle imbricated can be supported in mql4 ?
I want to know how many cycle imbricated can be supported in mql4 ? I use more than 10 cycles imbricated in my EA and I want to make sure that no bug is diverted from it. I want to know it like Excel that support less than 7 cycles
Added topic How to invert two arrays in mql4 ?
I want to invert two arrays in EA. Can you suggest me any code ? For example, I've array1[x][y] and array2[x][y]. I want to get all contents of array2 in array1 and contents of array1 in array2
Added topic How to save all journal in tester ?
I want to save all journal (log) in tester when I backtest an expert. How method do you proceed for  this
Added topic Is possible to sort OrdersHistoryTotal() by symbol ?
I want to get history data by symbol using an EA ? Is it possible ? If yes, can you suggest a code
Added topic Only one trade per day
Hi. How to do only one trade per day
Added topic How to control orders numbers per pair using an EA ?
Hi. I'de control numbers of order to 4 trades for each pair symbol using an EA. Can you help me
Added topic Why differents backtest's results in 3 PC with same metatrader configuration ?
Why I've differents results in 3 PC with same parameters in entry, same dates range and same broker ?  I've the follow results.  - Backtest in First:   - 2nd Backtest: - 3rd Backtest   
Added topic What modeles give the true result in baktest ?
I want to ask you, what modeles, is: each tick, or control point or open price - to get the true result in backtest ? Do the differency between each model give a false result 
Added topic What's broker suggest you ?
Can you suggsest me what broker is the best ? My choice is given by the best history database because I've a problem with my broker
Added topic How to calculate the max drawdown ? Is max drawdown in tester report is true ?
How to calculate the maximal draw down truely ? Where Max draw down is based on Equity or balance ? Why the rules: MaximalDrawDown = Max of (Maximal Peak - next Minimal Peak); and  MaxDrawDown % = MaxDrawDown / its MaxPeak * 100% ;why these
Added topic why a same code in EA gives differents results with two computer ?
Hi, I need help ! I'd test my EA in two computer who have metatrader 4. The problem unexpected are the results: they're différents. I ask why this is the case, because one of the post may be not normal. Thanks
Added topic Load history to table/array
I want to load data history to table/array but I don't know how to do. Can you help me, and explain each step of program ? I'm an amatteur.  Others, I want to get result in Alert tipps for verifying date and closed price . Thanks
Added topic Problem in operation with a date and array at mql5 language
I would compute a variable datetime and a type int, like 2009.01.06 + 3 (this is easy in Excel). Can you help me, how to procede the good script ? 
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