You think que MetaQuote must change the quota of withdrawal of 500 USD per day? Please justify and give sugestions in the comments!

  • 83% (24)
  • 17% (5)
Total voters: 29
Why I'm Doing THIS poll?
Why the Current System inhibits the growth of Own MetaQuotes and input of new business partner.
You  have one signal with average of 1500 monthly subscribers to 30 credits. Taking 20% of MetaQuotes, You will have 24 credits per subscriber. This is value very possible to happen!

1200 * 24 = 36,000 Per Month
If I can only get 500 per day, THEN IN A YEAR ...

500 USD * 365 days =   Withdrawal  max of $ 182,500
 36.000/30 =  profit by  1200 USD per day
1200 USD* 365 days =  $ 438,000

438.000 -182.500 =  255,500 USD will stay  in  Safes of MetaQuotes. You won't being able of withdraw. Unless the Metaquotes have another form of payment that is not  in Regulation. 

So, you how  a big Entrepreneur will create a system, invest in Advertising, time and work  and don't receive your Money? 

As we say in Brazil: The Metaquotes is giving a shot  on own Foot!

My sugestion is that MetaQuotes creates a system 30 days I can withdraw all my money. 
Example: when my balance is more than  $ 15.500,  automatically divide this  value per 30, the result would be my daily withdrawal 
Example: If I have 30 000 USD in my account, my daily withdrawal  would be 1000 USD.


PauloBrasil: Say I have a signal with a monthly average of 1500 subscribers to 30 credits.
1500 subscribers at 30 credits is Unrealistic. I voted YES and then I realize that the $500 limit could also help against fraud.
Why am I doing this poll?
why the current system it inhibits the growth of own MetaQuotes  and entrance of new partner entrepreneurs.
An example:

My calculation of your approach. 1500 subscribers, price 30 credits (minus 20% then 24 $ for me). 1500 x 24 = 36.000 $/month. 36.000 / 30 = 1200$/day. Anyway it is much more then limit of 500$/day.

It is something unreal. It's your money and should be without any limit as a bank account.

My calculation of your approach. 1500 subscribers, price 30 credits (minus 20% then 24 $ for me). 1500 x 24 = 36.000 $/month. 36.000 / 30 = 1200$/day. Anyway it is much more then limit of 500$/day.

Thanks by help!

I adjusted the values now!

Your previous post is now in Portuguese !
OK! correcting!

Yes, 500 credits limit per day is very inefficient for high income services.

In addition, to the fact that MetaQuotes can gain income on the amounts held.

Thank you. 

1500 subscribers at 30 credits is Unrealistic. I voted YES and then I realize that the $500 limit could also help against fraud.
1500 subscribers at 30 credits isn't that unrealistic, there's a subscription approaching these figures now and I think should pass it within a few hours.

MetaQuotes should give some formal response to it's customers in order to enable customers believe in their system and support it. 

aforrest: 1500 subscribers at 30 credits isn't that unrealistic, there's a subscription approaching these figures now and I think should pass it within a few hours.
That signal is about as realistic as winning the lottery. I know allot of people would like to talk about that signal in the forum. Too bad individual signals are off topic :P