Free Money Selling EURO!!!!!!!

Forget about writing stupid EAs. Just SELL EUROUSD at any level and one can make huge amount of cash. Since legendary George Soros has predicted EURO's eventual collapse a couple of months ago the EURO is now heading into the gutter. Greece and Portugal are already junked and Spain is on the brink and Italy and Ireland are following.(The PIIGS countries of Europe.) Once EURO cease to exist any shorts now will bring unseen wealth to anyone who dare to screw the once mighty EURO.

EURO is dead! Long live the Deutsch Mark, French France, and Pound Sterling!

When the hype gets to this point you've already missed the chance to buy (or sell as it were) the rumor...everything up to a Greece default has already been priced into the euro. Ask yourself why anyone, and particularly major market players like Soros, would find the generousity to share with the world their highly-valued consulting advices for free? Legal market manipulation. They create the demand (or ensure a lack thereof) and let the price walk into their takeprofit targets.

In 1997-1998 Buffett purchased some $12B worth of silver, then he told Forbes magazine he thought Silver was a good buy...Forbes ran with the article "zomg Buffett says BUY SILVER" and silver price shot up as demand spiked...Buffett sold his silver into that upswing in price with it having met his profit objectives.

Now you got Soros giving you the wink-wink nod-nod to run off an short the Euro? Yeah, lemme jump all over that...

Forget about writing stupid EAs. Just SELL EUROUSD at any level and one can make huge amount of cash. Since legendary George Soros has predicted EURO's eventual collapse a couple of months ago the EURO is now heading into the gutter. Greece and Portugal are already junked and Spain is on the brink and Italy and Ireland are following.(The PIIGS countries of Europe.) Once EURO cease to exist any shorts now will bring unseen wealth to anyone who dare to screw the once mighty EURO.

EURO is dead! Long live the Deutsch Mark, French France, and Pound Sterling!

yes, all available reasons or 'triggers' are for it to go down

Forget about writing stupid EAs. Just SELL EUROUSD at any level and one can make huge amount of cash. Since legendary George Soros has predicted EURO's eventual collapse a couple of months ago the EURO is now heading into the gutter. Greece and Portugal are already junked and Spain is on the brink and Italy and Ireland are following.(The PIIGS countries of Europe.) Once EURO cease to exist any shorts now will bring unseen wealth to anyone who dare to screw the once mighty EURO.

EURO is dead! Long live the Deutsch Mark, French France, and Pound Sterling!

No one has the holy grail, they win 20 billion usd this year, and lose 20 billion the next.

The current EURO crisis is not a short term technical problem. It is the repeat of the Soros Vs BOE saga when he broke the back of the Bank of England and made trillion of dollars. This is the structural problem namely - The Monetary and Economic Union without A Political Union - the obvious flaw of EU. Like BOE then defending the rapidly falling British Pound against the Soros-led speculators world wide, the ECB is now defending the hopelessly falling EURO so that EU will stay as it is now. The fight between the Ideology and the reality: one can guess which side will win eventually. The spectacular collapse of Soviet Union is my proof!

KILL the EURO! Bring back the Deutsch Mark, French France, and Pound Sterling!

I am thinking shall I heed EutoTrader's advice to short EURO ? But how deep it will go down ? What if it bounce back ?

Currently I am using AutoPilot but I will close some trades manually especially buy trades in recent Greek crisis as it doesn't have stoploss.

Other than AutoPilot, I also try using indicator, support ad resistance to manual trade. Well, still in learning progress.



When the hype gets to this point you've already missed the chance to buy (or sell as it were) the rumor...everything up to a Greece default has already been priced into the euro. Ask yourself why anyone, and particularly major market players like Soros, would find the generousity to share with the world their highly-valued consulting advices for free? Legal market manipulation. They create the demand (or ensure a lack thereof) and let the price walk into their takeprofit targets.

In 1997-1998 Buffett purchased some $12B worth of silver, then he told Forbes magazine he thought Silver was a good buy...Forbes ran with the article "zomg Buffett says BUY SILVER" and silver price shot up as demand spiked...Buffett sold his silver into that upswing in price with it having met his profit objectives.

Now you got Soros giving you the wink-wink nod-nod to run off an short the Euro? Yeah, lemme jump all over that...

The base of the recent moves are the fundamentals.

Soros did not make the Greece crisis.

Going short the euro is a no-brainer (of course use your strategy/money management).

But to be honest with you, I dont care about all these. I test and optimize one or more EAs, and use them if they look ok.


Going short the euro is a no-brainer (of course use your strategy/money management).

Things which are a "no-brainer" in investment are often a very bad idea. I know virtually nothing about macroeconomics, but consider the following hypotheses: "collapse" of the euro would probably start with the withdrawal/ejection of the weaker members. That seems likely to cause the euro (with its remaining members) to strengthen for a period. To save face, the EU might even retain the euro as the currency of a single nation, with the hope (or pretence of hope) of building it back up again at a later date. In which case, "the euro" would effectively be "the Deutschmark". How strong do you think the euro would be then? Or the euro might cease to be the euro as a truly pan-European currency, but be retained in a sort of private arrangement by only France and Germany.

I've not seen Soros's comments, but I'll bet that he meant "collapse" in the sense of "being dismantled", not (necessarily) in the sense of "collapsing in exchange rate against other currencies".

And I agree 100% with 1005phillip's comments.


Following is the opening of Soro's article in the Financial Times warning the imminent collapse of EURO.

"Otmar Issing, one of the fathers of the euro, correctly states the principle on which the single currency was founded. He wrote that the euro was meant to be a monetary union but not a political one. Participating states established a common central bank but refused to surrender the right to tax their citizens to a common authority. This principle was enshrined in the Maastricht treaty and has since been rigorously interpreted by the German constitutional court. The euro was a unique and unusual construction whose viability is now being tested.

The construction is patently flawed. A fully fledged currency requires both a central bank and a Treasury. The Treasury need not be used to tax citizens on an everyday basis but it needs to be available in times of crisis. When the financial system is in danger of collapsing, the central bank can provide liquidity, but only a Treasury can deal with problems of solvency. This is a well-known fact that should have been clear to everyone involved in the creation of the euro. Mr Issing admits that he was among those who believed that “starting monetary union without having established a political union was putting the cart before the horse”.

At least a parity between EURO and USD or even beyond that is both Soros and Rogers have predicted and supported by Gartman in THE GARTMAN LETTER just last night.

Forget about writing stupid EAs.
Depends on which EAs.

Technically many trend indicators would have given you a big fat down arrow for several weeks now, or SELL, SELL, SELL if you have one of those wordy EAs that loves to splash big words all over the screen. :)

free no more?

9billion from eu, dollar supply from us fed

i believe, its still a bear. one small news like spain etc., will pull it again.