Press review - page 3


ECB President Mario Draghi says OMT Bond-buying Programme Designed to Save the Euro

Speaking ahead of today’s important German hearing on the legality of his proposed OMT bond-buying programme, ECB President Mario Draghi announced that the scheme would only be used to save the Euro, rather than to save failing nation states.

In order to calm the waters ahead of the potentially bruising encounter Mario Draghi released a speech defending the purpose of the OMT programme. Draghi said that: “If there is a confidence crisis in the Euro area which is threatening the solvency of the countries…we are ready to intervene. But we will not intervene to ensure the solvency of countries if they are profligate”

ECB President Mario Draghi says OMT Bond-buying Programme Designed to Save the Euro
ECB President Mario Draghi says OMT Bond-buying Programme Designed to Save the Euro
Speaking ahead of today’s important German hearing on the legality of his proposed OMT bond-buying programme, ECB President Mario Draghi announced that the scheme would only be used to save the Euro, rather than to save failing nation states. Just over a year ago the European Central Bank Chief vowed to do “whatever it takes” to save the Euro...

German Court Says Ruling Immune To ECB's Bond Buying Success

The success of the bond-purchase program of the European Central Bank will have no impact on the ruling whether the measure was constitutional or not, the German Constitutional Court said on Tuesday. Germany's highest court in Karlsruhe is holding a two-day hearing to decide whether the ECB's bond buying program called the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) violates the German law.

German Court Says Ruling Immune To ECB's Bond Buying Success
German Court Says Ruling Immune To ECB's Bond Buying Success
The success of the bond-purchase program of the European Central Bank will have no impact on the ruling whether the measure was constitutional or not, the German Constitutional Court said on Tuesday. Germany's highest court in Karlsruhe is holding a two-day hearing to decide whether the ECB's bond buying program called the Outright Monetary...

Just found good article: Where Are Banks Buying And Selling In The Forex Market?

London is one of the Forex trading hot spots on the planet. I live in Chicago but also spend time in London. When I am with London traders, I notice they are trying to make so many different strategies work in the Forex market, yet I don’t meet anyone who is achieving the success they are in search of. They don’t realize the key factor in trading is proper market timing. Market Timing, the ability to identify market turning points and market moves in advance, before they happen, with a very high degree of accuracy.
It is also the ability to identify where market prices are going to go, before they go there. The main reason you would want to know how to time the markets turning points in advance is to attain the lowest risk, highest reward, and highest probability entry into a position in the market.

Where Are Banks Buying And Selling In The Forex Market?
Where Are Banks Buying And Selling In The Forex Market?
London is one of the Forex trading hot spots on the planet. I live in Chicago but also spend time in London. When I am with London traders, I notice they are trying to make so many different strategies work in the Forex market, yet I don’t meet anyone who is achieving the success they are in search of. They don’t realize the key factor in...

Just 2 news about Europe ... those news events are not high/medium impacted ones but anyway - it is related to the situation in EU in general.


The first one: Portugal HICP Inflation Rises More Than Expected In May

Portugal's EU measure of inflation accelerated more-than-expected in May, after slowing in the previous month.


The second news: Iceland Central Bank Maintains Interest Rate Again

Iceland's central bank left its interest rates unchanged for the fifth time in June.

The most recent indicators of demand suggest that the economic recovery is developing broadly in line with forecast, the bank noted. Meanwhile, underlying inflation and inflation expectations have declined as well but remain above target, it added.

Portugal HICP Inflation Rises More Than Expected In May
Portugal HICP Inflation Rises More Than Expected In May
Portugal's EU measure of inflation accelerated more-than-expected in May, after slowing in the previous month. The harmonized index of consumer prices (HICP) rose 0.9 percent year-on-year, after a 0.4 percent gain in April. Economists had forecast a figure of 0.6 percent. The latest inflation rate is the biggest since December last year, when...

World Bank Cuts Global Economic Outlook

The World Bank lowered its growth forecasts for the global economy on Thursday, citing deeper-than-expected recession in the euro area and muted growth in developing countries. Releasing the June edition of the Global Economic Prospects, the lender said it now expects the world economy to grow 2.2 percent this year, decelerating from the 2.3 percent expansion in 2012


World Bank Cuts Global Economic Outlook
World Bank Cuts Global Economic Outlook
The World Bank lowered its growth forecasts for the global on Thursday, citing deeper-than-expected recession in the euro area and muted growth in developing countries. Releasing the June edition of the Global Economic Prospects, the lender said it now expects the world economy to grow 2.2 percent this year, decelerating from the 2.3 percent...

We are going to have Retail Sales now for USD ... so just an some usefull information about

2013-06-13 12:30 GMT | [USD - Retail Sales]

actual > forecast is good for currency (USD in our case). Previous value was 0.1; forecast = 0.4. Core value: previous: -0.2 and forecast = 0.3%

Retail Sales in U.S. Probably Climbed on Pickup in Car Purchases

Retail sales in the U.S. probably increased in May by the most in three months as Americans took advantage of cheap borrowing costs to purchase new cars, economists said before a report today.

The 0.4 percent gain would follow a 0.1 percent advance in April, according to the median forecast of 83 economists surveyed by Bloomberg. Other reports may show little change in first-time jobless claims last week or in the cost of imported goods in May.


We are going to have Retail Sales now for USD ... so just an some usefull information about

2013-06-13 12:30 GMT | [USD - Retail Sales]

actual > forecast is good for currency (USD in our case). Previous value was 0.1; forecast = 0.4. Core value: previous: -0.2 and forecast = 0.3%

Retail Sales in U.S. Probably Climbed on Pickup in Car Purchases

actual for now is 0.6%. More than forecast so it is good for currency :) (this is US Relain Sales so it should be good for USD for example).

Just something to read at night ... - Don't feed the trolls? It's not that simple

In many online circles, the most common piece of advice is “Don’t feed the troll(s),” which serves as both response to and apology for all kinds of online antagonism.

Under this logic, trolls are like great white sharks and their target’s reactions like chum: the more you throw, the more worked up the shark will get (and the more likely it is that other sharks will smell the blood in the water and come join the party). Stop throwing chum, and eventually the shark will lose interest and leave


Don't feed the trolls? It's not that simple
Don't feed the trolls? It's not that simple
  • 2013.05.20
THE ANTI-SOCIAL WEB: As we see from the ubiquity of online harassment, shaming, and trolling, the social web is as much about ambiguity and antagonism as it is about sharing, connection, and cooperation. In fact, the Web's most apparently obviously anti-social behaviors—including trolling and shaming—are, strangely enough, also its most social...

We are going to see USD PPI today:

2013-06-14 12:30 GMT | [USD - PPI core]

actual > forecast is good forr currency (currency is USD in our case). Past data is 0.6%, forecast is 1.4%, actual data will be uploaded here at 12:30 GMT time today (14:30 metaquotes demo server time).


Friday preview: Eurozone CPI and US PPI due out :

Over on the other side of the Pond will be the US producer price index (PPI), which measures selling prices that producer charges for goods. The consensus of analysts expects a pick-up in the annual rate to 1.4% in May, up from an increase of 0.6% in April.

The PPI is often seen as a good indicator of inflation given that producers tend to pass on increasing costs to consumers which result in higher retail prices.


actual for right now is 1.7% - read from the source

The Producer Price Index for finished goods rose 0.5 percent in May, seasonally adjusted, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Prices for finished goods fell 0.7 percent in April and 0.6 percent in March. At the earlier stages of processing, prices received by manufacturers of intermediate goods declined 0.1 percent in May, and the crude goods index advanced 2.2 percent. On an unadjusted basis, prices for finished goods moved up 1.7 percent for the 12 months ended May 2013.