Beta Testing of MetaTrader 5 Has Started! - page 28


I have created a compiled HTML help file showing the class hierarchies and methods for all the code distributed under the MQL5 folder, using Doxygen and Microsoft HTML Help Workshop. The method would also be of use to anyone creating a library - see here for details.


Hello everyone!

I've some issues and questions about MT5.

1) razoff 2009.10.20 20:12 asked about Linux+Wine compatibility. I've the same question: MT4 terminals run with only little bugs, MT5 fails to run / unusable. Any opinion about this?

2) Is possible to add a new column in the Terminal "Profit in points" besides the profit? I know that in MT4 the profit is choosable, but I guess I'm not the only one who needs it in separate column.

3) What is the exact reason about forcing european traders ability not to hedge?

4) Trading window, modifying an existing position: is it possible to get a profit value? I mean when changing S/L and T/P I would like to see the possible profit/loss for the actual position.

That's all for today:) Thanks for the answers.

I wish MQL5 is faster than MQL4 and like C# or C++ so we can Make EA depend on Neutral networks and train it easily,if that did not happen I'll wait MQL6 or MQL7

Ability copying time, ohlc prices, and volumes of a chart point which cursor is on (which are shown in statusbar).

For usability


How can I change Font Settings in MetaTrader ?

I want change the font size for (Market Watch, Navigator, Toolbox) .

for example :

Font: Microsoft Sans Serif
Font style : Bold
Size : 9

I wish MQL5 is faster than MQL4 and like C# or C++ so we can Make EA depend on Neutral networks and train it easily,if that did not happen I'll wait MQL6 or MQL7

I've done quite a lot of work with neural networks in MT4 with a DLL, and I think it will be fast enough to pull all the code into MT5. Apart from the speed, neural network algorithms are realised very effectively in OO coding.


I have an few Q's about functions and objects memory leaks, if some could help, that would be great

Got an memory leak with this function: bool StringSetCharacter( string& string_var, int pos, short character );

that I used here:

string ReplaceChar(string s, int iChartoReplace, int iNewChar)//Replaces all occurrences of an char with another
for(int x = 0; x < StringLen(s); x++)
if(StringGetCharacter(s, x) == iChartoReplace)StringSetCharacter(s, x, iNewChar);
return s;

2009.11.15 19:26:40 #Test (EURUSD,H1) 100 bytes of leaked memory

Is there something wrong with my function? because it gives the correct output

And a undeleted object that has happened using this function.

Matrix *Matrix::Add ( Matrix *mat1, Matrix *mat2)// Adds 2 matrix's together
Matrix *newMatrix = new Matrix;
if(!CheckPointer(mat1) || !CheckPointer(mat2))
Print("Matrix's Pointer wrong");

if(mat1.x != mat2.x || mat1.y != mat2.y)
Print("Matrix's must have same dimension's for addition");

for (int x = 0; x < mat1.x; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < mat1.y; y++)
newMatrix.Set(x, y,mat1.Get(x, y) + mat2.Get(x, y));

return (newMatrix);

2009.11.15 22:03:49 #Test (EURUSD,H1) 1 undeleted objects left

Bold part - I think this is where the cause of the problem my be, not sure why but it looks like it through trail and error

I'm used to C# where the garbage collector just cleans up any object that nothing points too.


I've done quite a lot of work with neural networks in MT4 with a DLL, and I think it will be fast enough to pull all the code into MT5. Apart from the speed, neural network algorithms are realised very effectively in OO coding.

yes, DLL is very good solution for neural network but my problem when I train it, because I am still beginner in neural network field and other languages so I depend on MT4 Backtest to train netural network and I optimize the weights with optimization option in (MT4).

bobfourie wrote >>

2009.11.15 22:03:49 #Test (EURUSD,H1) 1 undeleted objects left

Bold part - I think this is where the cause of the problem my be, not sure why but it looks like it through trail and error

I'm used to C# where the garbage collector just cleans up any object that nothing points too.

It's information message only. You work with objects not properly. But left objects will be deleted automatically, don't worry


It's information message only. You work with objects not properly. But left objects will be deleted automatically, don't worry

Thank you so much for the reply, its really good know after struggling with this for some time now. Id like to ask a few more Q about objects in mql5 if you have the time,

You said that I did not worked with the objects properly by creating an new object in the function and return this object, is this then not possible or not an correct way of doing it?

The code below is written in c#, this was what I intended to do in mql5. The RemoveRow function creates an new objects and return that, and that again is used in another function later on, Minor, which is used later on again. Would this cause to much problems later on if I do it like this in mql5 or is there an better way of doing this?

public Matrix Minor(int x, int y)
return this.RemoveColom(y).RemoveRow(x);

public Matrix RemoveRow(int i)
Matrix newMatrix = new Matrix(m_matrix.GetLength(0) - 1, m_matrix.GetLength(1));
for (int x = 0; x < newMatrix.x; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < newMatrix.y; y++)
if (x < i) newMatrix[x, y] = m_matrix[x, y];
else newMatrix[x, y] = m_matrix[x + 1, y];

return newMatrix;