Beta Testing of MetaTrader 5 Has Started! - page 38

Convenience suggestion :
On hitting Ctrl+I we can re-arrange the order of Indicators stack and on hitting OK the change would reflect on the chart.
Suggestion :
It would be great if LiveUpdate can have user select only language they prefer. More efficient in download time & file size...
I have been using eSignal and NinjaTrader for my trading over many years, and for the last couple of months I have been looking at MT4 and now MT5. I really like the software. For the last 6 years I have been trading DiNapoli and Fibmasters strategy based on Fibonacci SK levels. Using Fibonacci in MetaTrader is a big problem because it is not possible to define specific colors to the Fibonacci values. It is impossible to trade Fibonacci strategy's in MetaTrader without having the possibility to define colors to the FibLevels. Ex, 0.382 red, 0.618 blue, 100 black etc. This is a must both on retracements and expansions. (Sorry for my bad english) Regards.
Yes, some kind of "history replay" function would be great. The "indicators" that exist for that in MT4 don't have multiple timeframe support. Native support would be great!

Forex Tester 2.5 does that nicely, but indicators for it must be written in Delphi or C++, which complicates things.

First of all, congratulations for all improvements. People around really don't know how to appreciate such a change for the better. It's a great improvement. I admit I didn't get my mind around MQL5 yet, it's more..complicated as some say, but it's more flexible and friendlier too... So it's a great step anyway...

Some suggestions requests I always wanted to make to your team:)

1. Text/Label objects. I agree with bobowang about text objects. More characters and more lines. Extremely annoying. Whenever I want to put some text, it always has to be 2 3 4 5 texts or labels to cover the info..

2.a. Crosshair tool. The possibility of crosshair tool remaining active until, say, pressing again mouse middle button (or ctrl+f). Not only it would be useful in analyzing charts, but it would be useful when the user gives the focus back to MT5 with a click => crosshair goes off and user needs to press mouse middle button again.

2.b. Crosshair tool. What would be a killer in MT5 is the possibility of customizing what crosshair tool displays. I could use, for example, the number of hours or days when weekends are involved. I could use the speed (price/time), or volumes/time, or volume, or some transformation on prices. etc.

3. More space in the right. To be able to see more space in the right of current bar = Custom "Shift end of the chart from right border". A lot of times I wanted to see more space there, I use some shifted indicators all the time, and I always have to zoom out or change timeframe to be able to see a little further, of course, that possible only until a new tick comes in => very frustrating.. but...

4. Chart object. Very nice addition of Chart object. But, come on, it cannot be resizable through mouse dragging? Or it is but I'm not aware of it. I'm only aware of resizing from properties window...but..come on....

5. Price <=> Y scale. Are there some funtions in MQL5 useful for transformation from price to y scale and viceversa? I didn't get into it that deep .. yet... But I saw mouse events and coordinates of mouse available, and some built-in functions for transformation would e very very useful...

6. Mouse click events and keyboard events. Is there the possibility of MOUSE_UP event? or MOUSE_DOWN, or KEY_DOWN, KEY_UP events? Is it possible to make combinations like CTRL+MOUSE CLICK? I don't know yet the answer so I don't know if this is a feature request or simple question:) But I always wanted a MOUSE_DOWN or MOUSE_UP event in MT4.

I will come back later with some more suggestions, I feel they are still some more to say, but now my mind is blank.

Thank you anyway and congratulations again :)


One more feature request:

1. Properties of indicatorxxx.

a. When there's no data in an indicator's window, or....

b. when the user doesn't click exactly on the data (lines or bars) in indicator's window...

...the user wanting to reach properties has no option but go to that modal (kind of useless) dialog "Indicators List". If there are too many indicators, you have to find the right one. And after you made the change in properties, then you have to close modal Indicators List (aaaaaaaaaaaaaargghhhh) each time to come back to chart.

I have all my indicators calculating only a limited number of bars, because they are very consuming, and when I study past market, I don't have any data in them. And MT5 too doesn't have (yet) an option with "Properties of indicatorxxx" in right-click menu inside indicator's window in the above 2 cases.

"Properties of indicatorxxx" should always be in the right-click menu anywhere and anyhow inside indicator's window. Indicator's properties should always be in right-click menu.

At least, that modal dialog with Indicators List shouldn't be modal.


One more feature:

It would be useful to be able to change the order of indicators for a chart, like up and down. Right click menu over any indicator would have then "Move Up" and "Move Down".


- Add pending orders and stop losses by point and click

- Add 30 seconds timeframe

- Faster the opening and closing process


- Add pending orders and stop losses by point and click

- Add 30 seconds timeframe

- Faster the opening and closing process

You are a bit late... Regardless, u should post on forum, not here.
Sorry, didn't know about the mql5 forum :)
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