The New Look-and-Feel of Trading Signals - page 3

Why not ?

>>Why not? <<


Really? After all the hard work that goes into making a stable signal, one ought to be able to provide it exclusively to purchasers. No wonder few people are actually subscribing to signals. 

In fact it will be a very welcome addition if the copying of signals from metatrader is limited to only the recipient account by hiding the securities traded and there volumes in real time. So all the account holder sees is his balance and equity. Of course he will be able to stop copying the signal whenever he wishes but the actual symbols traded and their volumes can only be revealed to him after a week. Now that will certainly boost demand for quality signals and make this whole business interesting.
In fact it will be a very welcome addition if the copying of signals from metatrader is limited to only the recipient account by hiding the securities traded and there volumes in real time. So all the account holder sees is his balance and equity. Of course he will be able to stop copying the signal whenever he wishes but the actual symbols traded and their volumes can only be revealed to him after a week. Now that will certainly boost demand for quality signals and make this whole business interesting.
So you want that someone subscribe to a signal "blindly" or almost ? Personally if I can't see the trades, I will never subscribe to a signal. Anyway you can try to ask for this feature on ServiceDesk.
The reason you subscribe to a signal should be because of its returns. Not how or what it trades.
The reason you subscribe to a signal should be because of its returns. Not how or what it trades.

And how someone is supposed to know he can trust a signal and its returns ?

There is plenty signals with good return, but when you check how the provider trades, you can discover interesting things, for example too much risk or trade without SL. I really wonder why someone who honestly provides a signal would hide information to potential subscriber.


And how someone is supposed to know he can trust a signal and its returns ?

There is plenty signals with good return, but when you check how the provider trades, you can discover interesting things, for example too much risk or trade without SL. I really wonder why someone who honestly provides a signal would hide information to potential subscriber.

You raise a very important point that is to do with MM and is actually another reason why the details of opened positions by a signal should remain hidden for a week. It takes a lot of testing and hard work to actually get a signal that is dependable over a the long haul. To simply give this away in real time denigrates all the effort that goes into it. Let those who want to subscribe to a signal carefully study its performance results as well as historical trades (because am proposing these are released after a week) and then decide whether or not a signal is worth subscribing to.
You raise a very important point that is to do with MM and is actually another reason why the details of opened positions by a signal should remain hidden for a week. It takes a lot of testing and hard work to actually get a signal that is dependable over a the long haul. To simply give this away in real time denigrates all the effort that goes into it. Let those who want to subscribe to a signal carefully study its performance results as well as historical trades (because am proposing these are released after a week) and then decide whether or not a signal is worth subscribing to.
Ok, so now you agree that historical trades can be viewed by everyone. But open positions are already partially hidden, we can't see the open price, that's really a good thing.  Why totally hide the open positions ? What is the goal to have the history hidden the first week ?
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Price Constants
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Price Constants
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Price Constants - Documentation on MQL5
Oh I had not realized open price is not visible. Wow. Thx.
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Price Constants
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Price Constants
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Indicator Constants / Price Constants - Documentation on MQL5



I suggest to add one more categories to all signals: NO STOP LOSS SIGNALS,

seperate those good signals with no S.L.  signals only bind with luck

Where is the sort ? Sorted by total growth, which is meaningless, as a signal can be 1 month old or 6 month. It should be sorted by monthly growth.

Agreed, this is what i was also referring to, the sorting should happen on Monthly Growth. If no trades in last one month then that Signal should be considered as 0% growth and appear as last. Can MQL5 implement this, i dont think it should be too tough as you already have the values on Signal Page shown ?